Chapter 49

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Long time no see guys......
I finally have a working  technology, however, thats not the only thing, I have being working so much and haven't had time to write or edit.
So here it is. I am thinking about wrapping up this story soon.. so here is my question, what would you like to see happen?
Comment below.
Melissas POV
Another week the cold white walls of the hospitable, with many physical therapy sessions, I finally wheeled Chris down the halls of the plain walled box and out into the fresh open air of the hospitable. His doctor gave us crutches, so Chris could try to walk before his next Physio session in two weeks, thankfully at home. His doctor and physio had helped him with walking in the last couple of days.
Chris and Abby's nurse Jax, insisted on helping us to the car and helping Chris into his seat. Jax wanted to make sure he would be comfortable for the half-hour drive home, so I didn't have to. "Do you have anyone at the other end to help?" Jax questioned
"My mum and our friend will be there to help," Chris spoke independently. Jax nodded with a smile.
Reaching the car, Melissa dug threw her never-ending bag to find the keys at the bottom of her deep bag, unlocking the vehicle. Jax opened the door and helped Chris slide into the car, buckling him up while I pack the car with their bags. Jax showed me how to fold and unfold the wheelchair, showing me how to store it in the car if Chris wanted to go out on a family outing.
"Do you have everything?" Jax asked my fiancé and me. Smiling, they both nodded.
"Thank you, Jax," Melissa smiled thankfully for all the help he has provided us. "If you need anything, let me know. I have added my number down. I need more experience with at-home visits," Jax explained, wanting to work with us again.
"Thank you, Jax; we will ask for you and your supervisor," Chris replied with a smiled. Jax closed Chris's door. I turned to Jax, after pulling the boot door down, now filled with the bags of items I brought for my fiancé to the hospitable. "Thank you for all your help" Melissa smiled, Jax nodded.
Waiting for Jax to leave, I slid into the car, ready to head home and relax; Chris looked over at me. "Are you ok?" Chris asked me, kindly, placing his good hand on my knee, knowing I'm exhausted, and not from the pregnancy, from all the stress.
"Yeah, just tried that all", I smiled, which was true, though I didn't want to say that this whole situation is making me feel stressed. "You look tired and not in the pregnancy way, stressed, tired. Are you sure you ok?" Chris replied, concerned for my wellbeing.
"How about this? I ask mum to stay for another week, maybe longer while you rest up?" Chris suggested, knowing I desperately need the rest and relaxation before our twins come along.
"If she wants to," I smiled, not wanting to pressure his mum, nor I wanted to cause any inconvenience to his mother. I pressed the engine button to the car, heading out of the parking garage.
Instead of talking about what will happen when we get home, I thought it would be nice to talk about our daughter and how excited she is for her father to be coming home. "When I left to pick you up, Abby and your mum were making a banner", I smiled.
Author's POV
When Abby and Mrs Wood finished making her father's banner, they clean everything up to make things accessible and roomie for him and his wheelchair.
"I think everything we have cleaned everything up, so how about we have a sit down before mummy and daddy arrive home", Abby's granny smiles. The two sat on the couch and watched a movie. Abby and granny fell asleep on the sofa while Grant sat watching a sports game on his phone.
When Melissa and Chris arrived home, Grant woke the two up to welcome home there dad and son.
The three get off the couch so they could welcome him home outside. Granny and Grant stand on either side of Abby as Melissa turned off the ignition; Grant walked towards Abby's car. Melissa slowly got out, strolling to the boot of the vehicle. Grant opened his friend's door, with Abby patiently waiting for her dad. Granny Wood help Melissa with the boot getting the chair out so Grant can help Chris into the seat of his wheelchair.
"Daddy, welcome home," Abby smiled, waiting for him to get into the chair so she could give him a hug. Once in the chair, Abby hugged her father. He wrapped his good arm around her. "Hi, Abby, how are you," Chris asked his daughter. "good, granny and I made some you something" Abby smiled, jumping up and down, with her piggy tails swing from side to side.
"Ok, Grant, you heard the lady, wheel me in; I want to see what my daughter and mum have done" Chris smiled, joking with his friend, Grant joked along with his friend, while Melissa and Granny wood.

"Darling Melissa, how are you going," Granny wood asked her soon to daughter-in-law; Melissa smiled.
"Good, tired, glad you hear and grant too," Melissa smiled.
"Well, I'm more than happy to look after Abby for a while, so you can have rest during the day," granny wood smiled as the two walked closer towards the house.
"Thank you, we might need that", Melissa smiled, walking into the house. "Wow, Abby. Did you and granny do all of this" Looking at the slopped banner, melissa smiled. Both of her parents noticed that her 'D's' were still written backwards, so it spelled baby.'
"Do you like it, daddy?" Abby asked her father.
"Of course I do, thank you",, Chris smiles. Abby jumps up and down.
"Son, how are you going to get up the stairs every night."
"Did you want me to bring the bed down?" Grant asked. Melissa and Chris looked at each other?
"I think I should be fine; I might stay up there for a night or two and see if I can get downstairs during the day," Chris explained.
"I can even come around 8:30 or 9 to help get you down?" Grant suggested, "and come around at 6 in the evening?" Continuing looking at his friends. "If it doesn't Interrupt your day, that will help a lot; Chris's mum is here," Melissa smiled.
"it doesn't bother me; I can even bring LA over and dad to help a little," Grant suggested. Melissa and Chris smiled at their friend, so keen to help them.
"Well, would you mind helping me upstairs? I'm a little tired," Chris asked his friend.
"No problem, your Hines" Grant cracked a joke at his friend; Grant helped Chris out of the chair, leaving it downstairs, as the pair slowly, step but step, made their way up their staircase.
"Now, do you need me to do anything, go to the shops, make dinner? I will love to if that's ok?" Chris's mum begged.
"If you don't mind, I can help make a list?" Melissa asked.
"That would be great." Melissa smiled. "I can even take Abby with me?" She asked again. "Only if your up for it," Melissa explained.
"Abby, would you like to come to the shops with me?" Mrs Wood asked.
Abigail looked at her mum. "You can go if you want" Melissa smiled at her daughter.
"I'm going to get my shoes on", Abby smiled, racing upstairs.
As the two mothers walked into the kitchen, Melissa grabbed a notepad, congenitally laced on the bench with a pen. Melissa wrote what they needed on the top of her head, while Mrs Wood had a look in their fridge and food cupboard so she could have a think about what she would cook for dinner tonight.

While Mrs Wood and Abby headed out to the shops, and Grant headed home, Melissa headed upstairs to join Chris. So he had someone to talk to.
"How are you going to?" Chris asked as Melissa sat on the bed.
"Tired, your mum and Abby have gone to the shops, so I thought I'd join you" Melissa smiled, kissing her fiancé. "Do you want to watch some TV?" Melissa asked; Chris shook his head, I want to spend time with you, in this piece e and quiet" Chris smiled, kissing his lover's hairline.

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