Extra - Dion

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"Time for bed!" Wild called up the stairs. The sound of giggling and feet pounding on the floor never ceased for a moment. She set her hand on her hip and sighed.

"If you two aren't in bed when I get up there, you're gonna be sorry!" I yelled. Silence overtook the floor above us before there was a quick scuttling of feet and shushes between Stormy and Finch.

"Why don't they listen to me?" Wild said, throwing her hands up as she walked into the kitchen.

"They know you won't follow through on punishments," I said, following behind her.

"You don't either!"

"Okay, but I am scarier than you." I shrugged, leaning against the counter as she filled two cups half-way with water.

"You are not! I can be scary." As if trying to prove her point, she turned on me with a mean glare.

"Very ineffective," I mumbled. She scoffed and walked past me. We went up the stairs and parted ways after she gave me one of the cups. I stepped into Stormy's room while Wild walked into Finch's.

"Hey, Stormcloud." I said, setting the cup on her nightstand. She had a frown on her face and refused to look up at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, kneeling next to her bed. I propped my elbows up and tried to catch her eyes.

"I don't want to go to school tomorrow," She whined.

"I know you don't like your classmates but I'm sure you'll make friends if you give them a chance," I tried to reason. Stormy had a problem with new people. I think they scared her so she chose to avoid them at all costs. She didn't want to talk or meet new people and that's all she saw school as.

"I don't want to talk to them," She said, sinking down in the bed.

"How about you try talking to just one of them? Just one. And see how it goes." I held the covers up and let her lay down properly before tucking the blankets in around her.

"Just one?" She raised an eyebrow making me smile. Wild had hoped they wouldn't pick up my 'obnoxious' habit. Her words.

"That's right. Can you do that for me?"

"I'll talk to one person." Stormy emphasized the one and held up a single tiny finger.

"That's a good girl," I stood up and kissed her forehead, "Goodnight, Stormcloud. I love you."

"Goodnight! I love you too!"

I met with Wild in the main room where she was already waiting.

"Don't bring up school with her. Got it covered," I advised. Her eyebrows raised.

"You got her to agree to talk to her classmates?" She questioned.

"One person," I correct.

"Wonderful," She smiled, "That's progress."

"Finch is upset that he can't go to school yet but I think I got him settled about it. Tomorrow we're going to teach him how to add numbers a little bit," Wild informed.

"You mean, you are going to teach him how to add numbers?"

"We." She patted my chest and walked past me into Stormy's room. I smiled and shook my head, going into Finch's.

"Hey buddy," I said, sitting on the floor next to his bed. He was sitting up in bed, his blankets pushed away.

"Did Mommy not tuck you in?" I asked.

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