Chapter 27 - Time to Fight

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I opened my makeshift bedroom door and stepped out into the cold house. It was freezing all night and I knew Zach had no idea but we would have to talk about starting a fire for me. Four days of cold nights was starting to get to me.

"Zach!" I called as I walked into the kitchen. I received no answer and assumed he had gone out. My nose picked up the smell of pancakes as soon as I entered the kitchen. There was a plate covered by another upside down plate sitting on the table.

I smiled and pulled the plate closer as I sat down. Removing the top plate allowed the steam to escape from the still warm food. I looked down, ready to dig in, but paused. Sitting next to the flat bread was a handful of berries.

The berries were an exact match to the berries Wild had harvested for me after Blightown. When I was hurt, she fed me and cared for me.

I missed her.

But the choice I made was for the best. She would be happier and much safer in the forest without me and the dangers that followed my every step.

I grabbed the fork that had been left out for me and began eating, using it as a distraction from my thoughts.

The front door slammed against the wall, the sound echoing through the house from the force behind the impact. I stood up, alert and ready to fight if I needed, even if my weapon was a single fork.

Zach raced into the kitchen, clad in all black and a hood. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door wordlessly.

"Hang on!" I called, "What's going on?" I forced Zach to stop, pulling my arm out of his grasp. Zach turned back to me, his dark eyes filled with panic

"The forest is on fire," Zach rushed out. My eyes grew wide with panic. I dashed past Zach, snatching my bag off of the couch where I had been leaving it, and stopped next to Damask outside. I hopped onto his back, quickly speaking his name and listing off the forests' name. It would take hours for the city's defenses to get across the water to Fae Isle without warp weasels at their disposal. I was grateful for the creature more than ever.

Damask took off faster than before, jumping into the portal as soon as it was formed. Two jumps was all it took to get us to the spot we were just days before. The smell of burning hit my nose and the heat from the forest warmed my skin in the worst way.

I slid off Damasks back and dropped his reins, knowing now that he was trained to follow. I rushed into the clearing, searching for any sign of my fairy. Trees crashing to the ground had me spinning around.

My jaw dropped open.

A red demon, a lower class demon but still terrifying and destructive, was spouting fire into the sky. Its large black claws cut into the earth and uprooted trees as if they were as light as feathers. It's path of destruction could clearly be seen. It had somehow started in the forest next to Minril Village, waded across the sea, and charged right into the Fairy Kings Forest.

An arrow flying through the air caught my eye. It hit the back of the demon's head as it turned. The demon didn't even seem to feel it. I whistled for Damask and jumped on his back as he rushed past me. We maneuvered through the trees until we came upon a huge unnatural clearing. The trees were charred and bits of leaves and grass were still burning where the demon had touched. 

I spotted a group of fairies armed with bows. The fairies were so small in comparison, but I saw nothing but determination written across their faces. They continued to fire arrow after arrow at the beast before them. The arrows looked to be enchanted but they still did no damage.

As I approached the fairy warriors, my eyes caught sight of a tall woman with large golden curls exiting the forest of cinders in a panic. She had a child tucked under both of her arms. She took a single look at the demon before rushing in the opposite direction.

A loud boom shook the ground and I rushed to the woman's aid as she fell. She looked startled when I reached my hand down to help her but accepted anyways. She tucked her children back under her arms with a grateful look.

"You should run. Get to safety."

She didn't wait to hear my response before spreading her wings and taking off, deciding the air was safer than the ground.

I stayed next to the area where the woman exited, hoping Wild might be the next fairy to escape the burning forest.  I kept an eye on the fairy warriors as they fought the beast while also watching the fairies pouring out of the forest, racing to safety. 

I was stuck between wanting to assist in the battle and wanting to search for Wild. As I decided to fight, three blobs flew out of the forest. I dashed back towards the forest edge, approaching the rays with a large smile on my face. If they were here, Wild had to be.

A small body crashed into mine, I caught myself and wrapped an arm around the smaller person's waist. Looking down, I came face to face with the one person I had been longing to see. Wild stared up at me with confusion written across her face.

Wild ripped herself out of my arms. I couldn't ignore the small pang of pain that hit my heart. I caused this rift between us but it still hurt.

Wild turned and grabbed the hand of a small fairy boy with mousy brown hair. The fairy boy looked scared out of his mind.

"Follow the rays okay?" She kneeled down in front of him and made sure he was focused on her, "They'll take you to where it's safe."

The little boy nodded his head, small tears appearing in his eyes. The rays flew over, Link landing on the boy's shoulder, while the other two ushered him away from the destruction. The boy looked back at Wild once more before rushing off with the rays.

Wild watched for a few moments before turning back towards me with a hard look. I stared down at her, unsure of where to start.

I never got the chance to speak when the loudest roar I'd ever heard pierced the air. So loud my ears rang after. Wild and I both turned to find the source of the monster's pain. A man with long, bright yellow hair was flying above the red beast. A white beam of searing power shot from his hands. A simple crown set atop his head and he wore thin silver armor over his body. 

I could only assume he was the Fairy King. 

Fairies flew up around him, waiting for his command. The Fairy King moved his hands and shot the monster in the eye, causing it to clutch its head and let out another deafening roar.

"Mediocris meae tuae potentiae egredietur," The king spoke. He barely moved his mouth but the words seemed loud and clear. They were spoken with so much authority and powe that the words seemed to shake the trees and still the demon. I was too lost to even begin to translate the sentence. 

Wild stilled beside me. I looked her over, worried something might be wrong. I watched as her eyes shifted from the king down to the bag that hung around my body and then back up to meet my own.


Not sure if the Latin is correct. I just Google translated it

It's supposed to say - My fairies, your powers are unleashed.

I'm not very good with like writing fighting or action scenes so these next few chapters are gonna suck

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