Extra - Stormy

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"Zypher, wake up." 

The voice of my lovely fairy brought me out of my sleep rather quickly. As soon as my eyes opened, small hands grabbed my arms and forced me into a sitting position.

"What's going on, Sunshine?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with a yawn.

"My water broke."

"That's wonderful," I sighed, dropped back down to go back to sleep. It took all of three seconds for me to shoot back up.

"What?!" My eyes shot open. I jumped out of bed and grabbed her arms, lowering myself to her height to look her dead in the eyes.

"My water broke. I already took a shower so we can go once you're ready," She said, taking a seat on the bed while I stood dumbfounded.

"Well, c'mon," She urged, waving her hand in the direction of our wardrobe. I jumped into action and threw on the first fabric I touched.

"What do we need? Clothes? Baby basket? A knife?" I rushed, my hands frantically reaching for random items. Wild held up a bag and shook it slightly in my direction. I snatched the bag from her hands and ran towards the door. I backtracked to the bed and offered a hand to Wild, who accepted with a grateful smile.

I let her use me as support as we walked down the first flight of stairs. It was clear once we got to the third floor she wasn't doing so well.

"Okay, that's enough." I threw the bag around my shoulder and reached down to pick up my pregnant wife. She didn't struggle like she usually would and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I took the stairs as fast as I could while still being as gentle as possible. I rushed out the front door, slamming it harder than I meant to behind us. Damask was already waiting outside in the front yard for us.

"Did you do this?" I accused, setting her on Damasks back. She nodded her head but didn't speak, a pained look overtaking her features. I didn't bother asking anymore questions and jumped on behind her.

Wild said it was normal for fairies to go to friends or family to have children since many fairies had the power of healing but since her family were considered nobles, she had access to the healers at the castle.

"Damask, take us to the castle," I said, picking up the reins with one hand and wrapping my other around Wilds waist, "Take it slow," I added after, hoping Damask understood the command.

I turned Damask in the right direction, facing him towards the opening of the fence. He started up himself, the portal beginning to open immediately.

It took two jumps to get to the Elder Tree Castle and Damask seemed to know exaclty where to go. He trotted up to the entrance where two fairies met us. One knew Wild and helped her down as I handed Damasks reins to the other.

The woman led us through a series of halls before opening a door for Wild and I. I had picked her up half way through the first hallway so I deposited her on the bed myself.

Three fairies popped into the room, looking to have all just been woken up. They quickly got to prepping the room, getting water and rags ready while the third began infusing magic into water for Wild to drink.

"What's that supposed to do?" I asked, feeling completely out of place. I felt useless just standing there while others tended to Wild.

"It will help with the pain," the fairy said, taking the glass from my shaking fairy's hands. Wild grabbed the blankets laid out on the bed as another contraction hit and I decided it was time to offer my hand.

"Okay it's time to push Wild. Are you ready?" The fairy questioned, already in position to help the baby out.

Wild nodded frantically, squeezed my hand tighter than I thought she could, and began the long process of pushing our first born out.


It was many hours before I first heard our baby's cry. I wanted to say it was music to my ears but really it was just screeching. Wild looked more than relieved and let herself lay back for a moment while the nurses cleaned up our child.

"It's a girl," One of the fairies said and that brought Wild back to attention. I couldn't help the small fear that rushed through me at the prospect of a female child since they weren't very common in my family, nor were they allowed. Wild caught my eye, knowing exactly what I was thinking. I had come clean about everything concerning my family and our business the night before our wedding. I let the thoughts go with a sigh, knowing I'd keep my new family safe above all else.

The fairy woman brought over our little girl and set her in Wilds arms; I leaned down next to the two and couldn't contain my smile. She looked more like me than Wild, already having a head of soft dark hair.

"What do you want to name her?" I whispered, not wanting to wake the now sleeping child.

"My mother's name was Stormcloud," Wild commented, running a single finger across the child's cheek.

"Little Stormy," I mumbled, testing it out on my tongue.

"I love it."

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