Chapter 26 - For the Best

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The weasel came to a smooth stop at the edge of Wilds home forest only five days later. We had to make a couple stops to rest and eat which made the trip longer. Damask particularly needed a long rest before making the jump over the sea that disconnected Fae Isle from the rest of Vespear. I could feel Wild's nervousness coming off of her in waves, partially because she was nervously picking at the edge of my jacket. I slid down from the weasel and held a hand out for Wild to take. She did so and slipped down into my arms where I steadied her.

"What if no one remembers me? Or they don't want me to come back after what happened to Saffron? I wasn't able to save him," Wild ranted, looking towards the forest with worried eyes. The rays quickly got to work trying to soothe her nerves but I could tell they were excited about exploring the large forest.

"Wild, none of that was your fault. And I'm sure people are going to remember you. It's only been a little over a year," I said, taking her hand and leading her further into the forest. The weasel followed behind at a short distance without having to be told. He was trained well.

Wild and I crept into the forest and almost immediately began hearing voices. We stopped when the trees started to part and a clearing came into view. Multiple fairies were flying around the space, working in sync to collect and harvest berries and apples. They were chatting quietly amongst themselves about random and odd topics.

I glanced down at Wild who looked completely unsure on what to do. She stepped forward slightly before backtracking into the shadow of the treeline. I took the lead and walked both of us into the light.

It didn't take long for the fairies to notice us. One by one, they turned and froze, each looking over at me first since my dark clothing stood out so much against the green of the leaves. But their gazes didn't linger on me for long when they finally noticed who was standing nervously next to me.

A blue haired fairy jumped at Wild, his arms outstretched and a smile on his face. The movement caused me to tense and it took everything in me not to rip the man off of Wild but Wild accepted the embrace without question. It was only a moment before the rest of the fairies were flooding towards Wild.

"Wild, it's been so long!" The first fairy said, arms still wrapped around my fairy. Wild hugged him back tightly before he was pulled off by a girl fairy to take his place.

"Where have you been Wild?" Another male fairy asked, grabbing her hand.

"Yeah! We missed you!" A girl said, smiling brightly.

"A lot has happened," Wild said, laughing a little. I watched her brush away a few happy tears.

"Who are your little friends?" A younger girl said, smiling brightly and flying up to pet Skip. No one paid me any more attention after that. Not even a single look but I was okay with that. I didn't need anyone asking questions.

A smile slipped onto my face from the way Wild was smiling at everyone. She was almost glowing with happiness. The rays were flying around in excitement. My smile dimmed more as I realized she hadn't smiled this much since we've been together. She seemed so happy here, without my problems chasing us down and without the stress of not being safe wherever we were.

More fairies found their way into the clearing; the news of Wild returning spreading fast. I started slipping back the way we had arrived as she was surrounded by others. She would be safe and happy here, which is all I've ever wanted for her. With my mind made up and Wilds back turned, I rushed away. I backtracked a few paces before running into Damask who was patiently waiting.

I quickly climbed onto his back. He looked towards the way I came as if waiting for Wild but I quickly steered him in the opposite direction. If I stuck around any longer, I would be forced to stay by my own wants.

"Damask, take me to Minril Village," I gritted out, trying to keep my voice low, but I doubted anyone would hear me over the excited chatter and squeals. Damask took a step forward before moving into a sprint and then jumping into a portal.

The wind flashed through my hair as we landed on a stone walkway. People looked up in slight shock at my random appearance near the edge of town but being this close to the royal fairy forest meant that they really didn't care. They were under the protection of the Fairy King by treaty. Being surrounded on three out of four sides by the forest had its perks.

I slipped off Damask and took his reins in hand as I looked around. It had been a long while since I'd been here. Not many people had the boldness to send an assassin after someone in this area.

I started walking, forcing myself even further away from the one thing that I wanted. I examined the houses as I walked by, not remembering the street but remembering the distinctive dark colored sloping roofs that stuck out from the other houses.

Soon enough, I was walking up to the house of one of my close friends. I attached Damask to the fence on the house and quickly went up the steps. I was able to knock twice before the door was thrown open, revealing a tall man with deep, dark red hair. We locked eyes and he immediately smiled, showing off his sharp incisors.

"Zypher!" Zachariah cheered, pulling me into his home. I grinned weakly, trying to appear normal but Zach noticed, having known me since I was born.

"What's wrong?" He questioned as soon as the door was shut. He took my bag for me and tossed it on the couch as I shrugged off my jacket.

"I'd really rather not talk about it. I just want to forget," I said seriously. Zach frowned but after a moment of him staring me down, he sighed and nodded.

"How have you been?" I asked as we made our way into his sitting room. Zach shrugged as he dropped onto the long couch. I took the other end and turned a bit towards Zach to give him my attention.

"Fine, had a run in with your old man the other day. Apparently, Shade disappeared. And so did Shades' son," Zach said, leaning more into the couch and giving me a look. News traveled fast.

"I'm not surprised he took the chance to run," I said. I would have done the same if my father passed away.

"It was you, wasn't it? You killed him." Zachariah said, more than asked.

"Sort of. It was his time," I seethed. The topic brought my mind back to Wild.

"It was his time long ago," Zach agreed. He had never gotten along with my cousin.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a few days?" I asked, switching topics for my own benefit.

"Not at all. You can stay as long as you like," Zach began, "I'll get a cot set up in the spare room."

"Thanks." Zach patted me on the shoulder as he left the room, giving me some much needed time alone.

I couldn't stop my thoughts drifting to Wild, what she was doing or if she had noticed I was gone.

It wasn't smart to stay here, so close to the forest I had left her in, but I couldn't bare to leave.

Not yet.

Original Story A/N:
I don't really like this chapter

Now, 2020 version:
I still don't like this chapter

Update 2021 version:

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