Chapter 5 - Posion Overtakes

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"It does not count as one." 

"How does it not?" I asked, keeping her distracted until I finished bandaging her leg and ankle. 

"Because you saved me again before I saved you!" Wild exclaimed, throwing her hands against the bed in exasperation. 


"That cancels them out so I'm back at two," Wild grumbled. I smiled and set her foot down gently on the bed. 

"At least it's not three." I stood up and gathered my things back into my bag.

"That was a close call earlier," I mumbled. The bed creaked as I sat on the edge. Wild scooted over some to give me more room, though I didn't take it. 

"I'm sorry," Wild whispered. The words caught me off guard. 

"There's no reason to be sorry. Try to get some rest," I said, setting a comforting hand on her head. In the process, I let a few fingers land on her forehead to check her temperature. 

She was burning up. 

I got up from the bed and went about fake business about the room until I was sure Wild was fast asleep. As soon as her breathing evened evened out, I rushed from the room, being careful to close the door quietly. 

The cuts from the thorns were red and purple, clearly showing signs that she was poisoned. Not wanting her to worry, I kept those findings from her. 

I jogged until I hit the shopping district. People were milling about the bustling street making it more difficult than I liked to get to the apothecary. 

The building looked newer than the rest of the shops and was even enclosed with a door. A sign reading Quick Fix Apothecary sat above the door. A bell dinged from above as I entered and a head full of white hair popped into view. 


I wasted no time with formalities and got right to explaining the fever and coloring of the wounds. The worker seemed shocked but quickly guided me to the main counter. She leaned down and picked a specific bottle from underneath. 

She was quiet with explaining what it would do and how long it would need to take effect before waving me to lean closer. I did so with my guard raised high and froze when her whispered words met my ears. 

"It's best if the fairy shrinks down after taking the medicine. It will work faster." 

I narrowed my gaze but assumed she knew because of how I described the poison. That was the only reason that made sense in my mind. I checked behind me to see if anyone in the store may have been listening in but only found one blue haired man seemingly deep in thought over a bottle of feathers. 

I thanked her and nodded in understanding at her quiet words, hoping that meant she wouldn't rat Wild out to anyone. 

I left the shop with the bottle secured in my bag and the coins still rolling on the counter. The man inside the store with me held the door open and I accepted the action with a nod before rushing away. 

On the way back to our hotel, I stopped when I spotted a stand selling toys. My specific interest was in the small doll sitting on the counter. It looked close enough to Wild's miniature form. The apothecary said the medicine would work faster in a smaller body and she would need something to wear if that was the case. 

After a secondary, quick purchase, I entered our room with the doll and the medicine in tow. Wild was still sprawled across the bed, looking to have thrown the blankets off herself in her sleeping state. I leaned over her to turn her on her side and could feel the heat radiating off her skin. She was covered in a sheen of sweat and a pained expression graced her face. 

I carefully shook her awake and at the first fluttering of her eyes, let go to begin getting her medicine ready. I uncorked the bottle before realizing I didn't have the spoon required to give her the medicine. 

In a panic, I threw my bag open and tossed out items till I found one. I picked the bottle up again and poured just the right amount onto the spoon. With the spoon in steady hand, I turned back towards Wild.

She sat at the edge of the bed with all the blankets now scattered on the floor. Her skin was sickly pale and she seemed completely confused as to what was going on. 

"Zypher?" Wild spoke, turning her questioning gaze to me. I smiled gently and pushed the blankets out of the way with my foot, not wanting to cover them with dirt in the case that she did end up wanting to use them. 

"It's alright. I got you some medicine to help with your fever and pain," I explained, stopping right in front of her and showing her the liquid filled spoon. Her eyes crossed as she tried to focus on it.

As I brought the spoon up to her lips, she pursed them and turned her head away quickly. 

"C'mon, it'll help," I urged, trying in vain to turn her head with a few fingers on her chin. She refused to cooperate and my control slipped. 

I roughly grasped her chin and held her in a tight grip as I forced the spoon into her mouth. She sputtered and struggled but ultimately, my goal was achieved. Her expression soured at the taste of the medicine but there was nothing she could do now to stop it from entering her system. 

"That was so mean," Wild whined as she threw herself on the bare bed and glared at me. Ignoring her, I cleaned off the spoon and recorked the bottle before spotting the doll I had discarded. 

My plan resurfaced and I began taking the clothes off the doll. They were pretty plain, a while shirt and a pair of black shorts, but I didn't think it really mattered. She was barely conscious anyways. 

I brought the clothes over to the bed and set them next to her before leaning down to her eye level. She continued to match my gaze with a harsh glare. 

"I got these for you. The medicine will work better if you shrink down," I said, trying to coax her into it. That wasn't exactly something I could force. 

"I'm not supposed to," Wild protested, throwing a shaky hand my way and falling short when she exerted too much energy. 

"I'll keep you safe." I nudged the small clothes closer. 


"I promise."

Idk how I feel about this chapter. Reread @ a later date and maybe figure out how to incorporate hints about blue haired dude 

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