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"What are you doing out here?" I chuckled, tossing my braid behind my back as I turned back towards my job.

"I came to help since I heard Calisi ditched you," Saffron laughed, landing on the branch above where I was working.

"Apparently she had more important business with Jona," I said, faking a gag afterwards.

"So I heard." Saffron laughed at my distaste and joined me in my task of picking berries. One basket was already full but I needed to fill eight more before the day was over.

"Are you sure you are supposed to be out here?" I questioned.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Saffron shot back.

"I distinctly remember the King saying you had dancing lessons every Wednesday," I teased.

"My father thinks I am in dancing lessons." Saffron smirked.

"I'm sure he does. I'm sure he'll see your improved skills at the next ball," I said, flourishing my wings and dropping down a branch.

"I'll blame my poor dancing on my dancing partner. You," Saffron challenged, tossing a few berries into my half full basket.

"You can't only dance with me Saffron. You know that. Your father certainly thinks that," I corrected.

"I know," Saffron drawled. He lowered his voice, coughing for a moment before quoting his father, "You need to dance with other ladies, not just that red haired girl."

"He's known me for years. He knows my name," I grumbled.

"Yes. Yes he does," Saffron agreed.

"He wants you to dance with women who fit more in the noble role. Less... wild." I waved my hand in the air and stuck my nose up.

"People who act noble are all so boring. They only say what they think I want them to hear. They only want to talk about what I want to talk about. So boring!" Saffron groaned, laying himself dramatically across the branch.

Deciding I had collected all the good berries from this tree, I spread my wings and flew to the next tree over. I sat myself and my partially full basket down on the highest branch, planning to work my way down.

Saffron landed next to me, shaking the branch as he plopped himself down. We sat in silence, picking berries, for only a moment.

"Not all the nobles are boring. I'm technically a noble," I said, dropping another handful of berries into the basket.

"I've never seen you at a single informational gathering. Nobles flock to them to be in on the latest news from outside and inside the forest."

"That's more of my brother's side of things," I said, shrugging.

"Oh yes, Ocean and Bryla do seem to enjoy the bickering nobles at those meetings," Saffron said, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

"Your father certainly enjoys it," I shot back.

"He was born for the role." Saffron sighed, slumping even further on the branch.


"Yes. Let's do something else," Saffron rushed out, dropping down to my branch and grabbing my arm.

"Nononono, I was given this job and I need to finish it." I pulled my arm back and dropped from the branch, extending my wings to land softly on the grass. I switched my full basket for an empty one and passed a falling Saffron on my way up.

"Noooo, stay down here. Ignore the baskets," Saffron groaned.

"Nope," I said, taking a seat on the branch.

"Fine. I'll get rid of the baskets." Saffron grabbed one of the empty baskets and tossed it behind him. It hit the bushes and bounced onto the ground.

"Stop it Saffron," I laughed, flying myself down to the basket. I picked it up and turned back to scold Saffron, but another basket flew over my head.

"Saffron!" I dropped the basket I was holding and stepped into the treeline to retrieve the other. I tucked my wings close to my back as I pushed through the leaves, ensuring they didn't snag on any branches.

The basket came into my line of view but everything went blurry. I blinked my eyes a few times, hoping it would make things clearer.

It didn't.

I stumbled, catching myself on a nearby tree. I snapped back from the touch of the bark, the roughness feeling painful against my skin.

I tripped on a root, landing hands first in the dirt. My hands fisted in the grass, trying to steady myself. I tilted my head upwards and found myself face to face with a much older man.

Milky white eyes, covered with scars. A lopsided grin. Graying hair swept back into a messy ponytail. He was clear while the forest around us was blurred almost to the point of no recognition.

"Far from home aren't you little fairy?" His lips didn't move but I heard the words clearly.

I tried to move but found my body stiff. I tried to speak, to yell, to scream but found my lips sealed shut. My eyes watered, tears of fear flooding my vision.

"No use little fairy."

Searing pain enveloped my body as I was forced to shift down to my smaller form.

The world grew dark as the last word I heard was my own name being called.

Prologue is up! This wasn't part of the original version and it's a bit short but hope it gives a bit more depth!

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