Chapter 23 - Dizzy, Dazed, Dead

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I immediately recognized the man standing on the balcony as my cousin Shade. His father was my own fathers brother. We had spent many days together training with our fathers, pushing each other around and trying to one up the other. It never ended well. A normal occurrence during any Calamity assassins training. We didn't work as partners and they didn't train us to. It creates just the right amount of hatred between the family.

Our eyes met from above and then he moved past me to another in the crowd. Once again, ignoring my existence simply to elicit an angry reaction. I took that chance to seek out Wild and move closer. Wild took the yellow-haired man's hand and shuffled closer towards me as well. I noticed the blue-haired man doing the same. If Wild trusted them, they could possibly become allies if the party went the way I thought it was going to.

"My name is Shade Calamity, your gracious host, for those of you who were unaware. I am so glad you all were able to attend this special occasion," Shade said, his voice booming in the large room.

"Some of you are princes, council members, friends, family," He spoke. His eyes found mine again; his sinister grin widened.

Shade nodded his head discreetly, but I saw it, just barely. It was only a dip of his chin, but it meant something. The men in black suits like mine suddenly jumped to action, pushing people around and forcing their way towards the windows and doors.

It created a panic but it seemed like a silence was forced across the crowd once again. Arms were forced to our sides and legs were glued to the ground. I watched Wild and the other two men struggle to free themselves but surprisingly, my arms and legs were free from the invisible shackles.

"It truly is an honor that you all decided to attend," Shade started, speaking as though we had a choice. "You see I've been quite bored lately and needed something just like this to lift my spirits." Shade sighed, looking over the balcony edge.

"I know I should let the party begin but I think it's right to announce a few guests I'm very excited to see here." Shade smiled, looking at me directly.

"My very own cousin, Zypher."

"Mayor Mikel Kelli and his lovely wife."

"The esteemed Fairy Prince Saffron."

"Fairy Novus and Fairy Wild." My heart dropped at the last name spoken. I didn't hear a single name spoken after. I thought he most likely knew of Wild but now I was sure. I was sure Shade was going to go after her directly.

A few more names were listed and Shade closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in. I shot towards Wild at that moment, knowing it was my last chance to get close.

I could almost hear him breathe out.

"Let's begin." The words reactivated the panic and chaos ensued as every single person rushed to escape, slipping on ball gowns and tripping over each other. Wild only seemed to get further from me in the mass of people.

A man in a dark suit lunged at me, large claws growing from his fingertips as dark stripes began lining his cheeks. I was ready though and had my knife drawn the moment we met. Claws against blade, I pushed him back, stopping the oncoming tackle. Using my free hand, I chose another knife and slid the blade across his unsuspecting throat.

The shifter dropped to the ground and I carried on my mission: get to Wild. It was easy to pick out her bright red hair near the other side of the room. She was sticking close to the yellow haired man and together they seemed to be putting up an okay fight.

Right as Wild threw a punch at one of the men in black suits, a fist collided with my face. I was knocked back a few steps but caught myself. I readied my knife and examined my opponent. Arms a little too long, body a little too big, and one eye to top it off. His large fist swung at me again but I ducked under, stabbing my knife into the half-cyclops' stomach. He stumbled back, blood and much more spilling from the gash.

I didn't bother finishing the job and bolted once again towards Wild. I forced my way around the panicking group of people who were slowly being killed or knocked unconscious by Shades men. The crowd thinned between Wild and I and I took my chance, rushing in the direction of her and the two men fighting alongside her.

Before I could reach her completely, another man in a dark suit caught me off guard, my sole focus being Wild. He brought me to the ground, slitted eyes staring right into mine. As I knocked him away, the yellow-haired man started yelling up to Shade. My heart skipped a beat, knowing he was only going to cause Wild more problems by drawing Shades attention.

Shade was leaning lazily against the banister of the balcony, watching in careless amusement as people were slaughtered on the floor below. It took a few more shouts for him to even notice someone was calling his name.

I was sent to the ground a second time, my head slamming harshly against the polished marble floor. I kicked my legs out, sending the man sprawling as I climbed to my feet. My vision blurred but I could see clearly enough that Shades' attention was on Wild and the two men.

He stood up straight and took a few steps towards them. His grin sharpened and his hand reached into his jacket. I knew he was reaching for a knife and I knew what was going to come next.

I avoided another man as I raced towards Wild. I couldn't seem to make a single move without another henchmen being at my throat.

Shades arm drew back and I screamed Wilds name, desperately trying to warn her. His aim was directed at her, I knew that without a doubt.

My blood ran cold at the magic imbued words he spoke next.


Probably needs some work in the beginning bits
Update 2021: worked on the beginning bits

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