Chapter 18 - Blazing Fires

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Heat built up around me and my arms and legs began to strain as I tried to move, tried to run.

My eyes snapped open and I threw my head up, tossing my hair from my eyes. I groaned when my skull came in contact with a wooden log. A harsh smack sounded from the impact.

I struggled to move my arms and pried my eyes open to look at my surroundings. My eyes scanned the crowd surrounding me. Each person was covered in a deep red cloak.

They watched my form struggle against the tight ropes, straining as the fire beneath me grew ever higher up the wooden platform.

"Zypher, darling! You're finally awake!" Callis cheered, dropping her hood and waving.

"Let me go!" I yelled. I pulled against the ropes and craned forward in an attempt to loosen them in the slightest. As soon as the words left my lips, the others in cloaks began chanting. As if me speaking gave them the go to begin whatever ritual they were planning.

"Not a chance. That vampire blood sitting in your veins is absolutely perfect and you did an absolutely horrible job at hiding it," She explained, smiling wide as her eyes reflected the flames blazing around me.

I growled and fought harshly against the ropes, digging them into my flesh, as she approached. She smiled sweetly as she used her torch to light my platform.

The flames raced up the logs and inched closer as she flipped her hood up and stepped into line. I lost her in the crowd and focused my attention on escaping.

It felt like I was making zero progress, like my arms and legs were made of jelly compared to my usual strength. I couldn't seem to reach my magic either.

I threw my head back, yelling as the ropes broke my skin from the force. My eyes caught red and I fell silent as I scanned the horizon for what I'd thought I saw.

"Wild! Run the other way!"

My scream echoed over the chanting and caught everyone's attention. The people in the dark cloaks turned but Wild did not.

Our eyes met for a moment, mine pleading for her to go, leave, keep herself safe. Hers looked to hold the flames that blazed around me.

My yell did nothing to help, only caused her to be seen by the mass. Wilds mouth moved in the distance and suddenly wind started to gather around her arms. It swirled and sat there until Wild stopped and threw her hands outwards. Callis and multiple others cried out when the force hit them. They were knocked away from the platform.

My eyes widened as I watched the scene play out; I had zero idea Wild had any powers that could be used in a fight. Wild rushed up to the platform I was stuck on, throwing people away as she went.

She knelt down next to me, barely glancing at me once before beginning to try and untie the ropes. Steps pounded on the wood and I looked up.

"Wild! Behind you," I warned.

"Wind Slash," Wild breathed, twirling around and throwing her arms out. The power hit the men running towards us and tossed them away. Wild switched back to me and quickly got frustrated with the ropes binding me.

"Get my knife," I spoke, watching as people began gathering around. Wild grabbed for my jacket that she had laid across my bag and picked the knife settled on the inside pocket. She got to quick work sawing at the thick ropes. As soon as my hands were free, I snatched the knife from her hands and cut my legs loose.

Wild and I barely made it a foot off the platform before being surrounded by the villagers. They had clearly been waiting, their attacks ready.

They all spoke and attacked, different elements and strings of magic were thrown our way. I used a block but didn't push the energy out fast enough.

A large piece of ice slashed into my shoulder and knocked me a few steps back. I hissed in pain and felt the anger surge through me. Wild stepped back around me and wrapped an arm around my waist before I could throw my own attack.

"Terra Trap!" Wild screamed, the sound muffled from her face being pressed against my back. Leafy, green vines began growing from the ground around the villagers feet. The vines grabbed onto their ankles and arms and held firmly, yanking them to the ground and forcing their faces into the dirt.

Wild didn't stop to see how far the vines went and instead, tightened her arms around me. Then we were in the air. A pain filled scream ripped from Wilds throat. I flipped myself around in her hold as much as I could and tried to catch her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked, panic in my voice. Wild shakily smiled and nodded. Disbelief filled my gaze and I trained my eyes up towards her shimmering wings. Blood ran down them and dripped onto her back where I'm sure the owlbear scratches were already bleeding out profusely.

The rays appeared in the air above Wild and she slowly looked up at them, showing off even more of her paleing face.

"Show the way guys," She spoke, her voice trembling. She picked up speed and followed the rays into a dense forest. She struggled to keep her wings from hitting the trees as the rays glided in between the branches and leaves easily. It wasn't too long before we found ourselves in a tiny clearing next to a creek. She set me down and quickly retracted her wings, letting herself land on her knees on the ground.

I sat down behind her, my eyes going blurry as I worked on taking my bag from her and finding the supplies needed in it. The bandages just happened to be from Callis' home and my anger spiked as I began cleaning the wound.

Wild flinched with every touch and each time, I whispered a slurred sorry.

"Are you okay? You sound so tired," Wild questioned, trying to turn around. I placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her and refocused my attention on her wounds.

"That was one. I think you're all covered," I redirected, turning the conversation.

"Incorrect," She sighed, "I still owe you three after just saving you."

"Have you been counting?" I grabbed our last bit of string and the needle and began the slow process of closing the wounds for the second time.

"Yes," Wild said with a wince. I smiled but said nothing. I finished the stitches and picked up the bandages. Suddenly, my eyes felt heavy and I fell forward. I caught myself once but the second time, I was already gone to the night.


I felt something hit my back, making me flinch, and immediately turn my head. I stilled when I saw Zypher laying limply against me. I turned and cradled Zyphers head in my lap before looking around. The bandages were sitting on the ground near his legs.

"Wanna help me out guys?" I asked, holding the bandages up for the stingrays to see. After struggling with the bandages, I asked the rays to bring me Zypher jacket and carefully moved his head off my lap and to the jacket for a pillow.

I leaned over Zypher and smiled down at his peaceful face.

"I'll take care of you."

Sorry, I switched perspectives again

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