Chapter 24 - The Charms of Death

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The knives Shade threw split into multiple sharp weapons at the sound of his voice. The silvery blades gleamed in the lights reflecting off their smooth edges.

I only got a second to look at the barrage hurtling towards me before a body jumped in front of my eyes. A scream slipped from my lips in the form of a name.


Before I could pull us both from harm's way, Saffron's body was thrown backwards into mine. The sound of ripping flesh and the smell of fresh blood assaulted my senses. The knives that missed clattered to the ground before disappearing into dust.

I tripped backwards with Saffron's added weight. I wrapped my arms tight around him as I toppled over. The air flew from my lungs as we hit the tiled floor and I was dazed for a moment, lost at what had just happened. I shoved his body off of mine as gently as I could before leaning over him and attempting to examine the damage done.

Chaotic laughter bounced off the walls and my searing glare snapped to the balcony where Shade stood, his head thrown back. I forced my anger to the back of my mind and focused my attention on the Prince bleeding out on the floor.

My eye flickered over the spots I knew knives once were, dust coated the blood making it even harder to find the puncture points. Shades' true knife had hit Saffron directly in the chest and I decided it was best to leave it alone. I wasn't confident enough in my medical knowledge to know what to do after if I took it out. I did know I needed to stop the bleeding, as soon as possible.

I grabbed the edge of my dress and began ripping pieces of the fabric off. I used the pieces to wrap up to open bleeding wounds but stopped when I got to the knife embedded in his chest. I didn't know what needed to be done.

Multiple strangled yells rang out above the cries of fear and panic. I searched for the source. My gaze landed on Novus, who was only a few feet away. He was surrounded by a circle of dead men who I assumed were the source of the cries of pain. Novus shifted his body towards the balcony.

His searing gaze found Shade who seemed to already have moved on from the kill. It only seemed to anger Novus more.

Novus jumped up and spread his dark wings in the air, the magic in them allowing them to pass effortlessly through his clothing. Our species had already been revealed; it didn't matter who saw now.

Shade made room for Novus on the balcony, stepping backwards with a smile. Men in suits dashed towards Novus as soon as he landed. Novus grabbed the collar of the first man and tossed him over the balcony, ending his life with a sickening crunch.

I opened my mouth to warn Novus of a man coming at him from the stairs behind him but before words could leave my lips, a knife lodged itself into the back of the man in blacks neck. I followed the trajectory of the knife and found Zypher on the other end.

A line of dead men followed Zypher who was already holding another knife. Zypher met my gaze for a second and gave me a quick nod. Knowing Saffron and I had someone watching our backs, I focused my attention back on the Prince.

His hand reached out for mine and I took it.

"I need to move you. We're right in the line of fire," I said, glancing around to make sure we would have a safe path towards the wall.

I let go of his hand and got a hold under his shoulders, hoping moving him wouldn't aggravate the wounds too bad.

"Wild. Stop," Saffron whispered, taking a deep, ragged breath after each word.

"No. I'm going to help you," I demanded, readying myself to pull him out of the middle of the fighting. I lifted up and as quickly as I could pulled him towards the closest wall. We were trapped on one side now but also only had one side to look out for.

I set him back against the ground slowly, cringing at the pained groan that escaped his lips.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I whispered over and over as I rounded back to his side. My hands fluttered over his messily bandaged wounds, making sure they were tight enough. They all were already soaked through with blood.

I went to rip another piece off my dress so I could change them but Saffron's hand grabbed mine. My eyes shot to his face. A kind, sad smile that didn't quite reach his eyes was waiting for me.

A loud crash forced me to look away. Zypher had made his way to the balcony and now fought alongside Novus against the man who brought us all together. Zypher pinned Shade to the railing; Shade grinned a bloody smile as his body hung over the edge.

Novus threw a guard out of his way and rushed to Zypher once he saw the state Shade was in. Novus swiped a knife from a dead guard's chest as he swiftly approached the two fighting men.

Shade had a firm grip on Zyphers hair, struggling against him, while Zypher hands were locked around Shades throat. Without warning, Novus was beside them and the knife was embedded into Shades skull.

Zyphers eyes widened. He quickly backed away, letting Shades body drop heavily to the floor. The remaining guards froze before bolting for the previously blocked exists. Many guests did the same, taking their chance to escape with the mass of men in black suits. Only those mourning over the dead or trying to save those close to it stuck around.

Saffron's hand tightened around mine, bringing my attention back to his pale face. Novus landed next to me and I allowed him to take my spot, handing him Saffron's shaky hand.

I moved and gently picked Saffron's head up to set it on my lap. I let his long, bright, yellow hair out of its confines, allowing it to flow free.

Novus examined Saffron's wounds, but Saffron pulled his attention away from the damage with his words.

"I believe my time has come, my friend," Saffron mumbled, eyes cast towards the ceiling.

"Don't say that," Novus barked, tears beginning to stream down his face, "We just need to get you to a healer. Yeah, that's all we need." Novus harshly nodded to himself and went to stand up. Saffron used what strength he had left to keep Novus at his side.

"I love you both. Please let my father and siblings know I loved them as well." Saffron's hand went limp and his eyes unfocused, his words drifting into silence. It felt like I stopped breathing.

Novus dropped Saffron's hand and looked up to find his blank gaze, the light in his eyes dimmed. Tears finally began to prick my eyes as the transformation of death took hold.

Saffron's skin began to flake and turn grey, bits falling off and drifting to the marble floor. He soon was only a pile of ash.

Glowing charms materialized out of the ashes, shining under the dust where Saffron's heart would be. Two charms floated upwards and then slowly made their way to Novus and I. I held open my hand and let the small, yellow charm land on my palm. These were the last pieces of Saffron.

Zypher dropped down next to me and pulled me into his arms before he stood up, taking me up with him. I curled my hands against his chest, tightening my fist around the charm, and let the tears fall freely.

"I have to help," I urged, attempting to push away from Zypher. We couldn't leave his ashes here.

"I will take care of this. Get her out of here," Novus demanded, waving us away as he began gathering up the remaining charms and ash. Zypher nodded and didn't waste a second another second before rushing us out of the building.

The actual authority of the town finally showed up but just as one called out to us, Zypher teleported us away. The teleportation was jarring and only made me cry harder.

Zypher pulled me to his chest, "I'm sorry. I had to get us out of there. I look to much like him." Zypher ran a hand through my hair a few times before gently pulling me further into the ally.

I said nothing more as Zypher guided me back to his friend's house and away from the destruction I wished was only a dream.

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