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Lothal, Aboard The Ghost, A Couple Days After The JOY Strikes Back, 1500 p.m.

The Crew had recovered from their JOY-ness, except for Ezra. He was still suffering from some of the side effects because he had drank so much. And one day the JOY kinda messed with his mind and for the rest of that day he was convinced he was a butterfly. Kanan was walking down the corridor drinking some caf, enjoying the day. Ezra skipped out of his room holding Pinkie. But that's not what stopped Kanan in his tracks. The glittery butterfly wings strapped to Ezra's back is what made Kanan stop and stare in shock. Pinkie also had butterfly wings on, she seemed to be enjoying them.

"I'M A BUTTERFLY!" Ezra shouted, skipping past Kanan.

"Uh-huh." Kanan said. A little bit later Kanan found Ezra outside on top of the Ghost with Pinkie.

"What are you doing?" Kanan asked confused as Ezra walked to the edge.

"I'M A BUTTERFLY AND I FLY!" Ezra shouted leaping off the ship, spreading his arms wide. Pinkie followed suit. SPLAT!  Ezra hit the ground face first, Pinkie landed on top of him. Kanan cringed when Ezra hit the ground.

"You okay?" He asked walking over to the still form of his padawan. Suddenly Ezra leaped up, shouting.

"I FLEW! I FLEW! I'M REALLY A BUTTERFLY!" Kanan stood there watching him bounce around with Pinkie.

Later. . .

Kanan was walking past Ezra's room and heard him singing softly.

Ah ee ay ay

where's my Loth-cat

I've been searching for a Loth-cat

All across Lothal for my Loth-cat

Yes, I need my Loth-cat

Ay ee ay ay

I'm your little butterfly

Green, black and blue make the colors in the sky

Curiously Kanan opened the door and saw Ezra dancing around with Pinkie.

I've been searching in the woods

And high upon the hills

Just to find my Loth-cat

Ay ee ay ay

I'm your little butterfly

ay ee ay ay

I'm your little bu-

Ezra stopped singing when he saw Kanan standing in the doorway.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Ezra shrieked and squeezed Pinkie.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh." Kanan squeaked. His mouth was hanging open, but no words came out as he stood frozen in the doorway. Still staring at Ezra, Kanan slowly reached out and pressed the button to close the door. In the corridor Kanan shook his head and walked away, looking back at Ezra's door.

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