Chapter 23

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Hey guys, so I am so sorry for the DELAY! AAAAAAH! I am such an idiot. But I have a valid excuse okay? I started working, and between work and school and homework and the gym I am just cramped for time dudes. I have NO TIME. But I wrote this because I totally appreciate the comments and the votes.

I can't believe I got 110!!!!! :D :D :D SO COOOOOOOOL! Thank you guys all so much! I hope you guys are enjoying! So yeah, keep reading and keep enjoying and keep voting ;)

Thank you all. I will try to get the next chapter up sooner! In the meanwhile, you guys can check out my other story! i totally love that one. I am having so much fun with it. :D

So enjoy reading!


I was sitting on the soft sand on an empty beach with Emily, Hannah, Guy, Chastity, Carter and Brandon. We were just asking one another random questions.

“So Samantha, why are you going out with Derek?” Brandon asked, looking directly at me with a calculating gaze. He didn’t seem to like me all that much.

I shrugged, “I like him.”

“If you like him then why isn’t he here?”

“I think it’s a little early to be introducing him to my friends.”

“What, you think no one will approve?” he mocked.

“No, it’s not that. I would just rather not my friends interrogated my boyfriend when we barely know one another or where we’re at.”

“Okay this is getting way too serious,” Emily said. “How about everyone says when they first lost their virginity.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s too easy, I already know when all of you lost yours.”

“You’ve lost your V-card?” Brandon asked her, moving slightly away from her so he could get a good look at her face. His arm was slung over her shoulder and she had been resting her head on his shoulder up until that moment.

“Yeah, so?” she asked.

“So you keep avoiding having sex with me. I though it was because it was your first time.”

Emily rolled her eyes. “It doesn’t mean I’m not a virgin that I’ll just sleep with any guy.”

“What about you Guy, when did you lose it?” Hannah asked, wanting to avoid the argument she knew would break out. Emily and Brandon always bickered.

“Erm…” he trailed off, glancing briefly down at Chass awkwardly before looking away from her again.

“Yeah babe,” Chass said, sitting up in his arms, craning her neck around to look up at him. “When did you lose it?”

Guy cleared his throat. “Fou-ahem,” he coughed.

“What’s that?” she asked.

He muttered an answer so quietly no one could hear.

“What’s wrong, haven’t you lost it yet?” Brandon teased.

Guy huffed, “I lost it at fourteen okay?” he said angrily.

Everyone fell silent for a few seconds before Brandon said, “Get out of here! That’s just a lie guys tell to seem cooler. No one loses it at fourteen.”

“Actually, he did,” I interrupted.

Brandon looked at me. “How would you know?”

I gave him a smile. “Because cupcake is my best friend. He lost it to a senior his freshman year. I’m the one who had to save him out of the bed before the girl woke up or her boyfriend walked in. They were both drunk off their asses. Taylor Green would have freaked if she saw Guy lying next to her in bed.”

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