Chapter 31

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Hi everyone :D I'm finally done! Yay! I have officially finished writing this chapter. I have written and written and written and re-written. Like finally it's done. Sorry if you read the unfinished versions :/

And can I just say...80,000 views! Like I know that's nothing compared to most stories on here but I think that's amazing.


I was in the restaurant, working another shift and trying not to think about the fact that Carter was leaving.

I mean would he avoid me again and act like I didn't exist? Would he ignore my calls like he did when we were ten?

I really had no idea.

All I knew was that despite keeping my distance from him I was going to miss him. He had somehow worked his way into my heart over the last few weeks.

I hated that.

Don't get me wrong, I liked that we were friends. He is just as adorable as when we were kids...(kind of) and I like the guy...a lot more than I would like to, even with his faults.

He's a good friend and he's loyal, and only does what he wants to do, stands for what he believes in, has this unreal sort of ability to get over things. He's determined, unbelievably sweet, kind, annoying, free-willed, independent and very extremely good looking by my standards. Actually by anyone's standards.

He had done things this summer which had made me so angry I literally wanted to kill him and thought I would never speak to him ever again. But he had done the sweetest things ever too. Somehow though, I still liked all the parts of him that annoyed me because in some ways it was adorable.

So basically he was a cool guy and I was obsessed with his eyes. That damn obsession has stayed with me since we were kids.

And that was the problem. Carter is amazing in so many ways. He is imperfectly perfect...or perfectly imperfect. And I'm scared. Of so many things.

Like he's way out of my league and I don't even deserve him.

Like we live in different states and I don't want to ruin this  newly rekindled friendship.

Like we might grow apart again.

I have never had a boyfriend in my life. Every guy who has approached me so far only did it for money which makes me like an indirect cheap whore and I would ruin it with Carter in a heartbeat.

Another reason I was scared was because if I did go out with him and it ended I could lose him as a friend.

He was leaving me. Again.

And damn it, it was going to be painful to see him go. I enjoyed having him around.

I had limited the amount of time I had spent with him but I never thought to ensure the little amount of time I did spend with him remain mediocre.

No, instead every moment we spent alone together was special. It was sweet and nostalgic and just plain irreplaceable. Some places he brought me were just mind blowingly incredible.

I was already comparing guys to him.

I was totally screwed.

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