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Library after class?

I typed out a quick message to Will and waited for a reply. Since Claire said she's taking April out, I had some extra time which I definitely didn't want to spend working, because I know Jake's shift starts an hour after mine.

"Who are you texting?" Sasha asked, searching for my notes. "Don't say it's my brother."

"No, it's not." I smiled.

"Oh my sister in law, please tell me you're not cheating on him." She said, faking a gasp and placing her arm on my shoulder.

I sighed, brushing it off. Sister in law is what she calls me now when she's extremely happy. I remember the first time she shouted that and how Zack awkwardly turned away, hiding his blush.

I thought it might scare him, distance him but it didn't. He blushed, and that made way for more teasing from his sister.

And that gave him more points in Sophie's score card. According to her, a man who isn't afraid of future commitments are keepers.

"Okay see, I've got a group project with Grace and I'll be here after class. What about you?" She asked.

"I've to go to the office, got something to clear and I'm meeting Will at the library. I don't know how much time it'll take, but definitely not more than two hours. I'll text you if I need a ride."

"Sounds good. Meet ya after class sister-"

"Shut up and go," I said before she could call it out loud and chuckled when she was out of sight.

I'm starting to think everyone except Maria in my life are insane.

Sophie : Cole asked me out again!

Sophie's text thrived my attention and I finally gave in, dragging my eyes off the chemical equations.


Apparently, I forgot Cole was the name of the guy, who asked Sasha out that day and for that, received a glaring emoji from her. And I ended up spending most of the class texting her.

Finally, when the bell rang and we were free to leave, I grabbed my bag, heading to the office. After about twenty minutes of waiting, my work was done.

My phone started ringing when I was only a few feet away from the library and I stared at the screen.

Sophie? Now what? We've been texting for hours.

"Hello?" I asked into my phone, answering her call but couldn't hear anything as I felt someone push me into the nearest room, janitor's closet, to be exact.

"Tyler?" I shouldn't be surprised. It's always him who pulls me into an empty room.

But I was, since I thought he was still in Texas.

"Earth to Evelyn!" Sophie's voice chimed and suddenly my phone was snatched from my hand.

"Give me the phone." I said, trying to reach out, but he held it higher, behind him.

"I told you many times, think about what I said, about us. I guess this is the best time for you to think. I'll leave you alone." He smirked before stepping closer, but when I stepped back, he shook his head with a sigh and stepped out. "Think."

Think alone? Oh shit!

By the time my mind processed his words, he was out and locked the door. I started pounding on it.

Someone would hear, definitely. It's not that late, only half an hour.

But I was disappointed at myself and annoyed at Tyler as no one came to open the door for the next twenty minutes or so.
That jerk took my phone! Thank god it has a passcode.

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