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"Hey, princess."

I sighed in frustration as I heard that word and turned to see Tyler.

"What're you up to?" He asked and I narrowed my eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Come on, Princess." He said, putting air quotes around the word 'princess'. "What-are-you-up-to?" he asked again, emphasizing each word.

I was sincerely surprised by his choice of normal words. It's usually something like 'Oh you need some drinks' or 'Looking pretty clumsy today.'

"Your plans today!" He mumbled as if it was the silliest thing ever.

It kind of was, if it was anybody else asking.

"You very well know my plans. I am working at your place." I said the last sentence with a silent duh.

"After that, princess."

I groaned inside. "What do you want Tyler?"

"You can't just answer, can you?"

"I know what you're thinking." I muttered and his eyebrows rose with a smirk. "And please stop planning your next trick. Give peace a chance, will you?"

This was the longest civilised conversation we've ever had. Or simply a conversation we ever had. And that's most probably because I had time to sleep since I didn't have to tutor. Also, he didn't get a chance to annoy me, so I guess that left me with some energy.

"Alright." He said, hands in the air as he took a step backwards.

That surprised me as well since I was expecting a snarky remark. But it didn't last long heard a thump as soon as I turned.

I saw that the mud water has splashed across the bottom of my jeans and he snorted at the same time I groaned.

"Stop acting like you're ten." I muttered under my breath, not wanting him to ear.

Even Noel is more mature than him.

"Just because you act like a forty-year-old doesn't mean everyone should. I'm enjoying my life, unlike you." He smirked.

Apparently, he had sharp ears.

"Tell me, something sweetheart, have you ever been to a party?"

I looked right into his teasing eyes.

"Oh, never mind, I know you haven't. Just stop being a grandma and act like a fucking teenager."

I didn't want to talk to him. And I didn't have anything to say either. So, I stared at him with an annoyed look until he winked and left.

I recalled his words as I turned and walked.

Stop acting like a grandma, you have a boring life.

I chuckled to myself.

Yeah, of course. He doesn't have two tummies to feed and plenty of fees to pay.

He's got a dad that provides for him and a mom that takes care of him.

But not everyone has that privilege.


"Eve, honey." Sasha turned to me and Zack smacked her head, asking her to keep her eyes on the road. "Let's go shopping."

I swear I saw Zack flinch when she said the word shopping.

"I've got-"

"Work. Yeah, I know." She cut me off.
"But you're free Saturday evenings, right? And tomorrow happens to be a Saturday."

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