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"Zack? What are you- Why are you..."

Well, that wasn't expected.

"Uh, I'm sorry. I really am. I rang the doorbell a few times and no one answered. And I know that's not a reason, but... I shouldn't have tried to break in." He mumbled, limping towards the nearest couch.

"What happened?" I didn't care how he got in. His busted lips and bruises made me not care.

"Fell off a motorcycle." He groaned as he fell onto the couch.


I rushed into the kitchen and wrapped some frozen vegetables in a towel.

"Broken?" I asked him when he touched his knee and grimaced with pain.

"Nah. Sprained, I guess." He mumbled. "I'm so sorry for practically breaking into your house and creeping you out. My phone got broken, so couldn't call anyone and your home was the nearest I could..." He trailed off with a grimace and I dragged my eyes from his head to toe.

A motorcycle with fists, I would say.

He had a bruise on his left cheek, busted lips, scrapes on his arm and a sprained knee.

"That's alright. Do you want me to call Sasha?"

"Yes, please." He whispered with a sigh, leaning back on the couch.

I dialled Sasha's number and greeted her with the little information I had.

"He's there? I'll be there in about 15 minutes. Let me see that idiot." She growled.

The call was in speaker mode.

"She really respects her big brother." He mumbled.

I sat next to him and started cleaning the scrapes on his arms before moving onto the wound, deliberately ignoring his protests.

"It's okay, Evelyn. You don't have to." he mumbled again as I came back with the first aid kit.

A cool night breeze made its way through the opened window and made me tremble lightly.

Uh, cold. I should've closed it the moment he got in safely.

On top of making me shiver a bit, it also made my hair dance around all over my face. So, I tried tying my loose hair into a bun without a scrunchie.

"No!" I heard his soft voice groan and looked up only to see him do a facepalm.

"Nothing, sorry." He muttered. "I just- it hurts."

So, I cleaned the wound more carefully. I haven't done this since Theo stopped falling abruptly during his runs.

By the time I cleaned and bandaged his forearm, he was asleep. So, I filled a bottle of water and sat next to him as I waited for Sasha.

I know I fought hard not to sleep but failed eventually because the next thing I know, my phone is vibrating in my hand.

It was hard to wake from the half-asleep state and when I did, I felt something heavy on my head. I opened my eyes to see Zack's shirt.

I tried to take a look at him but failed as he had his head on top of mine.

Well, this is awkward.

We were too close. I had a fistful of the fabric of his damp shirt and he had an arm wrapped around me as well.

Oh, no what if his shoulder was hurt and I made it worse by leaning on it?

Another set of vibrations made me answer and I heard Sasha's voice."I'm here, open the door."

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