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"I think we should facetime Sophie." Sasha said the moment I stepped into her room.

"That's a good idea."

"I know, come on."

"Yeah, one minute." I mumbled and stepped outside to call Maria and save her from the panic attacks she's going to get tomorrow when she sees our empty house.

But it went straight to voicemail and I ended up leaving her a message.

"Hey, what're you doing out here?"

I was a bit startled by the sound and turned to see Zack, looking at me with a frown.

"Nothing, I was just trying to call Maria."

"To say that you're spending the night here?" He completed and I gave a nod.

"Well, is she okay with that? Not that you really have a choice." He shrugged with a smile, making me chuckle.

"She isn't taking the call, so I left her a message."

"Oh," he nodded. "Hey, you know Seth's rambling shit, right?"

"Of course, I do." I laughed seeing his shoulders slump in relief.

And this guy called me an overthinker.

"Great. So..." He trailed off, staring into the yard, "How annoying are my friends?"

"Not even a bit. Not when compared to you." I surprised myself by saying that.

I knew Zack wouldn't take offence, I knew him enough to know that.

"You did not say that." He looked at me with an amused expression which slowly turned into a smirk. "I knew they'll rub off on you."

Well...when everyone around you is smiling and having fun, you do too. And with Zack, there was this level of comfort.

Now that I think about it, I've had more real conversations about my life with Zack than Sasha.

"What's on your mind?" He smiled, raising an eyebrow and I shrugged.


"Why were you smiling at the floor then?"

Oh. That's another thing I've been doing lately. Just smiling at the thoughts inside my head and making myself look crazy.


"Well...?" He mumbled in a high-pitched voice that surprisingly resembled mine and I rolled my eyes.

"Stop mocking me."

"I'm not!" He chuckled, pushing me inside and slid the door close.

"You totally were," I said, still smiling, without turning back and heard a snort.

"Someone's in a good mood today."

"That particular someone is in a good mood every day," I replied, heading to Sasha's room.

"I bet that someone has no idea that other people do notice it." I heard him say and I had a smile etched across my face as I entered Sasha's room.

"Oh, there you are! Come on," She beckoned me with a wink, pointing at her laptop.

I saw a depressed Sophie on the screen and laughed which resulted in a lot of swearing. It only stopped when Scarlett called us down to have some ice cream.

Down the hall, Noel was awake, ready to attack the ice cream bowl as usual and Theo was rubbing his eyes.

"I thought you were asleep." I patted his head and he smiled.

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