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"You always stick with me like a piece of stupid gum, don't you?"

I literally didn't need to turn back to know who said that. This bloody voice has been making me crazy for almost two years.

But what's he doing here?

Oh god, he's not studying here, Is he? Maybe he's just visiting someone.

I stopped thinking too much and turned slowly. There he stood, right in front of me with his blue intimidating eyes.

"What the hell do you want?" What I intended to say in a sharp tone came out more like an exhausted sigh.

"Oh, see who's talking, fellas. She speaks! And if that isn't worth celebrating, I don't know what is." he said to a couple of guys who were right beside him, who smirked. "You weren't this chatty in school, princess. Why? It could've been more fun that way."

And for a hundredth time, I hated myself for being a coward in school.

"Unlucky me huh?" He lowered his head, his little smirk turning malicious. And I knew what his next move was.

I've seen it a hundred times and I still don't like it.

He was a classic bully. Always considered himself superior to all other kids. A good-looking yet horrible human being who's at the peak of arrogance and selfishness.

Just as his stupid smirk widened, I got a glimpse of a soft drink can rolling in his palm. The next moment, cold liquid dripped down my chin.

I can't believe he's still doing this. We're supposed to be adults, supposed to act mature and Tyler freaking Jones just splashed his drink on my face.

"Aren't you done with this?" I was a bit surprised that this manchild still thought it was 'cool' to spill drinks on others. I knew I shouldn't expect anything better from him, but I still somehow hoped.

"I'm never done with you, Eve." his smirk vanished, his eyes boring into mine.

I should've known it as well. Though Tyler did bully others, he never chased them just to make them miserable. But I was an exception to that.

Before he could utter anymore stupidity, bell rang, bringing me back from my thoughts.

I shouldn't be here with these pathetic idiots. What I should be doing, is find my class and not be late. So, I chose to move away from my locker, not provoking him to continue his act.

Their chuckle, as I walked away heading to the washroom, made me feel even more stupid. It's only when the feel of cold water hit my face, I sighed in relief.

Dealing with Tyler on a daily basis wasn't in my plan and I wasn't too thrilled to think about how exhausting that'd be.

"Hey, thought you'd need this." A girl, standing beside me, pointed to the tissue box in her hand with a nervous smile.

I glanced at the tissue box and gave her a polite smile.

"Thank you, but I'm done."

"I'm sorry, I know how he is. I should've helped you out there."

I just smiled at her not wanting to make her feel guilty. This isn't new for me. He did the same thing in high school. I'll survive college too.

My school life was pretty good until the so-called Tyler Jones shifted here and started bitching around. He made sure I only had embarrassing memories in my senior year. A total bully and I couldn't afford to lock horns with him.

"He's the same with you? And everyone here?" I asked her, hoping the answer is no. 

"He's a jerk. Been one since last year." She sighed. "But now he's mean to freshmen as well.

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