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"No formalities, get in." Sasha pulled me in.

It's hard to ditch formality when you're in a palace-ish atmosphere.

"Mom isn't here. She'll come soon." Zack mumbled before he plopped onto their couch.

Their furniture and accessories looked expensive as well.

"Who told you that? And why are you still here?" I heard Sasha mumble as I looked around the place.

"Mom called me. And what the hell? This is my home." Came his reply.

"You-" She pointed a finger at him and continued, "-leave soon after a shower every day and only return when it's late."

I slightly directed myself to the magazines on the floor and pretended not to listen to their chatter. When a few seconds of silence passed, I was curious to turn back and check the situation.

"You...You stupid-" I waited for the rest, but could only hear hissing sounds. I cringed when I realised I was trying to eavesdrop. So, I started reading it for real.

"Whatever," I heard Sasha say. "Come, Ev. Let's go to my room."

I nodded and Zack raised his eyebrows. "Ev?"

"Yeah, what?" She snapped and he shrugged.

"Eve, Ev." he snorted and turned to me. "You okay with that?"

"I'm okay with anything that relates to my name and not something that makes my skin crawl." I nodded with a smile and he chuckled.

You know, like sweetheart and princess.

And off we went to her room.

It took almost five minutes to reach her room. Mostly because I stopped occasionally to look at the photos of little Zack and Sasha, which were hung all over the house.

I sat on her fluffy bed while she threw the books and herself onto it.

"You want something to drink?"
Zack hollered and Sasha shouted a yes with a frown.

"Do you think he's high?" She whispered to me, eyes still on the door.

"Who? Zack?" I asked and she nodded. "I don't know, why?"

"The Zack I know would never offer me drinks or anything really." She narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Maybe it's because I'm here as a guest?" I offered and she shook her head in disagreement.

"I have had friends before. Yesterday, he wasn't here until two in the morning. I saw him sneaking in." she nodded her head and continued.

"Hey, drama queen, he offered a drink." I said with a laugh. Why she found it suspicious, I'll never know.

"Hmmm. I swear, I'll dig it up." She mumbled with a smirk as he came up,  balancing three glasses.

"I've got chocolate milkshakes..." He tilted his head towards the two glasses in his hands and then to the one he balanced in the crook of his arm. "...and buttermilk. But I can go grab a beer if you want."

"You brought butter- aw, I love you." Sasha was literally squealing and caught off guard by his love.

"You love buttermilk?" He frowned and her smile fell.

But I could see the sinister look in his eyes. Acting as if he didn't know it was her favourite. I know because sometimes I do the same with Noel and Theo.

"So you didn't know it was my favourite-est?" She questioned with a frown of her own and he scoffed.

"Glad you said now." He mumbled before gulping it down in one go.

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