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Sakari's POV


I was sitting in my room wearing a beautiful, long white dress with gold highlights, staring at my gold engagement ring that was covered in rubies and sapphires, while a handmaiden fussed with my hair and makeup.

"Ok, seriously, it doesn't have to be anything special." I told her for the tenth time already.

"But it's your wedding day!" She replied as she always did. "Besides, I'm done anyway."

I looked at myself in the mirror and was shocked to find that it was exactly what I wanted, it was simple yet elegant, and I loved it.

"Are you ready yet?" Katara shouted as she entered my room. "Oh wow! You're gorgeous!"

"Thanks, sis." I giggled at her reaction.

"I can't believe my sister is gonna be the Fire Lady." Katara stated in disbelief.

"Well you might wanna start, because it's happening." I stated, smiling at my sister.

"I'll see you out there." Katara said, giving me a hug before leaving again.

I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves before leaving my room and heading to the ceremony. As soon as I was spotted everyone stood and turned to me while a band played some soft music. It was weird to have everyone staring at me rather than Zuko for once, and I could certainly get used to it. I made eye contact with Zuko about halfway down the aisle and noticed a few tears in his eyes as he watched me. The Fire Sage started his speech once I had made it to the altar, but I hardly listened even though I probably should have, instead I found myself getting lost in Zuko's golden eyes as I always did.

"I do." Zuko said, breaking me out of my trance just in time.

"And do you, Sakari of the Southern Water Tribe, take Fire Lord Zuko to be your husband?" The Sage asked.

"I do." I responded, smiling up at Zuko.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The Sage announced.

Zuko and I stepped forward with the goofiest grins on our faces and leaned in for a deep, loving kiss while the crowd cheered for us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Fire Lord Zuko and Fire Lady Sakari!" The Sage announced, earning more cheers from the crowd.



I was lying in a bed in a lot of pain while Zuko stood by my side, letting me squeeze his hand as hard as I needed to.

"I can't do this!" I yelled.

"I know it hurts, but you have to keep going." A handmaiden told me.

I groaned and continued to push, squeezing Zuko's hand so hard I thought it might break, until the most beautiful sound filled the room. The sound of our baby's cry made everything worth it, all the pain I just went through to push it into the world was suddenly replaced by happiness.

"It's a little girl." The handmaiden told me as she handed me by baby.

"She's beautiful." I said in disbelief, tears falling down my face.

"Have you thought of a name?" The handmaiden asked me.

I nodded and looked to Zuko, smiling up at my wonderful husband.

"Her name is Izumi." Zuko told the handmaiden.



"Izumi! Ursa! For the love of god, cut it out!" I yelled at my daughters who decided to have their own little Agni Kai.

"Sakari! You've got to see this!" Zuko rushed in with our two-year-old son in his arms. "Kato's a Waterbender!"

Izumi, Ursa, and I all froze and stared at my youngest child as he bended some water from a vase and splashed it on the floor in front of Zuko.

"Finally! A Waterbender!" I announced, taking Kato from Zuko and spinning him around while he giggled. "Now we can team up on your sisters, oh yes we can."

"You're adorable." Zuko whispered as I set Kato down to play with his sisters.

"I love you, Fire Lord Zuko." I said, smiling at my husband.

"And I love you, Fire Lady Sakari." He replied, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"Ew! Mummy, daddy, that's gross!" Izumi yelled at us, screwing her face up in disgust.

Zuko and I laughed at our daughter and watched as the three kids played together happily. The world was finally at peace and our children could grow up without a war going on. It's all I could ever ask for. It was perfect.

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