Chapter Nine

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Sakari's POV

It was a few days after we had returned from Ember Island and I had been summoned to the throne room, apparently the Fire Lord wanted to speak to me about something. I reached the large doors and took a deep breath before they were opened for me, I nodded to the guards and stepped inside, approaching the throne. I stopped in front of Ozai and stood tall, refusing to bow to him, when I noticed that Zuko and Azula were also here, sitting on either side of their father.

"You wanted to see me, Fire Lord?" I asked. I might refuse to bow to him but I'm not stupid enough to address him as anything but Fire Lord.

"Ah, Sakari, yes I did." He stated, smirking at me. "I have been informed of your... unique ability."

"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Your Bloodbending, my dear." He said. "Now, I've been thinking. You came here to the Fire Nation willingly, yes?"

"Well, yes, but only to meet my real father." I told him, not liking where this conversation was going.

"Nevertheless, you have not tried to leave." He stated. "This has me believing that maybe you like it here, maybe you would like to make this your home?"

"Oh... I... Uh..." I stuttered, not knowing how to respond.

Of course, I don't want to stay here! This is the Fire Nation! The only reason I haven't tried to escape is because it's almost impossible to go anywhere without being seen. I was waiting for some kind of distraction.

"Please." Ozai said, raising his hand to make me stop talking. "Let me explain further. I would like it if you joined us."

"... What?" I asked, shocked at his words.

"I would like you to fight for the Fire Nation. Do you think you can do that?" He asked, not taking his eyes off me.

"I... I don't know..." I responded truthfully, sneaking the slightest glance at Zuko to try and read his expression, but he wasn't showing any emotion.

"You don't need to answer right away." Ozai told me, sensing my discomfort. "We are having a war meeting tomorrow morning and I would like you to attend. Then you can make your decision."

"Yes, Fire Lord." I answered, nodding my head in the slightest bow.

Ozai nodded at me, signaling that it was ok for me to leave, and I took one last look at Zuko before leaving the room. I hadn't realised how hard my heart was pounding until I left the room; I had to lean against the wall for a few moments to regain my composure. Ozai wanted me to join the Fire Nation? This must be some sort of trick. Zuko knows I would never do this, so why would Ozai? Unless Zuko didn't say anything? It makes sense that he wouldn't disagree with his father's plan. There were so many thoughts running through my head and I only wanted to talk to one person: Kato. I found myself outside his room, staring at the closed door, wondering if I should even be here after he said he doesn't want to be my father... I knocked anyway, hoping that he was in there, and the door opened a few moments later.

"Oh, Sakari... What are you doing here?" He asked, only opening the door halfway.

"I just... I need to talk to you." I told him. "Can I come in?"

"That's not a good idea." He replied, before shutting the door in my face.

I angrily stormed off, planning on going to the turtleduck pond, when I walked past two guards speaking in hushed tones.

"Did you hear what Fire Lord Ozai made Kato do?" One of them asked.

"Yeah, that was harsh." The other one replied.

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