Chapter Ten

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Sakari's POV

I awoke the next morning to find myself naked in an unfamiliar bed with someone sleeping next to me. I sat up quickly, startling the person next to me, when all the memories of the previous night came flooding back. I turned my head to see Zuko smiling at me, looking incredibly happy with himself.

"Morning." He greeted, leaning in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey." I said, smiling sheepishly back at him.

"Don't tell me you're getting shy now?" He joked, tilting his head at me.

"No, I..." I stopped mid-sentence suddenly realising that we were late! "Shit!"

I jumped off the bed and picked my clothes up off the floor, putting them on as quickly as I could.

"What's the rush?" Zuko asked, sounding a little hurt.

"The meeting!" I reminded him, putting my hair up as neatly as I could.

I watched Zuko's face drop in horror before he copied my actions and sprung out of bed, tripping over his pants as he tried to pull them up. We sprinted through the palace and stopped outside the throne room (which was also the war room) to catch our breaths and compose ourselves. We entered the room, and every head turned our way, looking very impatient; we were only half an hour late! I took my seat on Azula's left side and Zuko took his on Ozai's right, every eye followed us as we walked.

"Nice hair." Azula whispered to me, giving me a questioning look.

"So nice of you to join us Prince Zuko, Sakari." Ozai stated, clearly not pleased about us being late but moving on anyway. "Now, as some of you are aware the day of black sun is one week away. And the other nations have joined together to plan an invasion during the time where our Firebending will be disabled."

Invasion? They're invading the Fire Nation? And what the hell is the day of black sun? A solar eclipse maybe? I guess that would explain why the Firebenders will be powerless. As Ozai explained how he would be sending soldiers to the front lines while the rest of us stayed safe in the underground bunker, I planned my escape. The Firebenders would be powerless and all their attention would be focused on the invaders... This would be the perfect time to get the hell out of here. Once the meeting was over, Ozai asked me to hang back and I watched everyone leave, giving Zuko a small smile when I noticed Mai waiting for him. That's right, I'm the other girl...

"Sakari, I've asked you to stay because I was hoping that you had made your decision." Ozai stated, staring at me intently.

I thought about it for a moment before concluding that I would have a much better chance of escaping if he trusted me. So, I stood and bowed to him as low as I could.

"I will gladly fight for the Fire Nation."


The entire week felt like back to back meetings about the same boring crap. It was concluded that I would not be fighting on invasion day, Ozai wanted to keep his "secret weapon" safe in the bunker for now. This made my escape plan a little harder since I assumed Ozai wanted me on the front line with the other soldiers, but not to worry! I had a backup plan for this very problem. I spent the week sneakily pulling water from the air and leaving it in vases around the palace, just in case I needed it, and because it was much faster to use existing water. I figured I would Bloodbend anyone that got in my way anyway, so the water was really just a backup, and then I would flee the castle and try to make it to the lake that was close by. Once I get there, I can use the massive amount of water to lift myself up over the edge of the volcano and help the invasion forces defeat the Fire Nation. It was the perfect plan. Except for one teensy little snag. Zuko could tell that I was up to something.

"Seriously, Sakari, you've been acting strange all week." Zuko stated, walking with me through the palace.

"Maybe that's because you're still with Mai." I retorted, trying desperately to change the subject.

"That's what this is about?" He asked. "Sakari, she's my girlfriend!"

"And yet you slept with me? Have you even slept with her?" I asked, crossing my arms.

To be honest I was a little mad at him about this whole situation, I felt used. Taken advantage of in a moment of weakness. Damn... Now I was really angry about it. It just occurred to me that what Zuko did was incredibly selfish. He used me and then tossed me aside... He's still with Mai...

"Uh... No..." He answered awkwardly.

"WHAT?!" I blew up. "Are you serious?!"

"Shhh! Keep it down, would you?" Zuko told me, trying to cover my mouth with his hand.

I grabbed ahold of his wrist, to stop him from touching me, and squeezed it hard.

"You're a real piece of work, hothead." I spat, shoving his hand away and storming off to my room. That should keep him off my back, at least.


The day of black sun finally came around and there was a nervous energy throughout the palace. Everyone knew what was happening today, and they were fully prepared; I had to escape in time to warn my siblings and Aang. I was waiting in my room to be escorted to the underground bunker, when my door flew open and Zuko barged in.

"Sakari, I'm sorry, I had to see you." He said, looking at me with pleading eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I'm leaving." He stated.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked, confused on what he was saying.

"I'm leaving the Fire Nation. I'm going to join the Avatar. And I want you to come with me." Zuko informed me.

I stood there, frozen in shock, staring at him in disbelief for a moment before snapping myself back into reality.

"I have my own escape plan..." I admitted.

"You... What?" He asked, just as shocked as I was a second ago.

"I've been planning it all week, Zuko." I stated.

"So, that's why you've been acting weird? Not because of me and Mai." Zuko said, more to himself than to me.

"Oh, no, I'm still mad at you for that." I told him. "But I guess you're heading in the right direction for forgiveness."

He smiled and stepped closer to me, placing his hands around my waist, he was about to lean in and kiss me when alarms suddenly starting blaring all through the palace. It was time.

"Guess I'll see you on the other side." I stated, waving him out of my room.

Zuko left and a few minutes passed before there was a knock on my door. I opened it to reveal two guards, one of them was Kato! I was about to leave with them when I suddenly remembered something, I ran back into my room and opened the small box that held my opal necklace. I lifted it from the box and stared at it in deep thought for a moment, then I clasped it around my neck and left my room for the last time.

"Ready to go, Sakari?" Kato asked me.

"More than ready."

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