Chapter Twenty

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Sakari's POV

It was early in the night and we were finally taking some time to all relax together, Zuko was pouring us all a cup of tea.

"No one makes tea like uncle. But hopefully I learned a thing or two." Zuko said.

"God, I miss Iroh's tea." I stated, thinking back to the last time I had it.

"Would anyone like to hear uncle's favourite tea joke?" Zuko asked us as he began handing out the cups of tea.

"I like jokes." Aang stated.

"Ok, well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is "leaf me alone, I'm bushed." Zuko told us.

I facepalmed as everyone looked at Zuko with blank expressions, even I remembered that joke!

"It's funnier when uncle tells it." Zuko said apologetically.

"Maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing." Katara stated, taking her cup of tea from the tray and making Aang chuckle.

I saw Zuko's mouth turn upward in a small smile, he could tell that he was being slowly accepted into the group and that made me incredibly happy. He handed me my cup next and gave me a small peck on the forehead.

"This better not be like the last pot of tea you made." I told him, taking a sip to find out it was actually quite good.

"It's nice to finally get the chance to relax a little." Toph stated from beside me. "It rarely happens."

Zuko handed her and Teo a cup each and then walked over to Sokka, who had been sitting just outside the circle for some reason.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Sokka asked Zuko.

The two of them walked away from the group, all the way over to where Appa was sleeping so that we couldn't hear them.

"So, you guys wanna hear the actual joke?" I asked, turning back to the group.

"Yes please." Toph answered.

"Alright, so, a tea server walks over to one of his customers and hands him a bushel of tea leaves." I started. "The customer thanks him for the gift and the server walks away. Later the tea server comes over and hands the customer another bushel of tea leaves. The tea server keeps bringing the customer tea leaves when the customer finally says, "leaf me alone, I'm bushed."

This made everyone laugh instantly, but it made me think of Iroh and all the great times I had travelling with him and Zuko.

"Now that's how you tell a joke!" Toph exclaimed, punching me a little hard in the arm.

"Ow, Toph!" I complained, rubbing my arm.

"What? It means I like you." She explained.

"Oh, alright then." I replied, punching her back as hard as she did.

Zuko and Sokka returned to the group after their talk and Zuko sat in the gap between me and Aang.

"What was that about?" I whispered to Zuko.

"I think your brother is about to do something stupid." He whispered back.


Later that night Zuko and I were sitting in Appa's saddle, waiting for Sokka to appear. Zuko had told me that Sokka was asking about where dad might be and thinks he might be planning to try and free him.

"So, what were you doing with Haru before?" Zuko asked out of nowhere.

"Why? You jealous?" I asked jokingly but saw the look in Zuko's eyes and suddenly stopped laughing. "He offered to show me around the temple, and I didn't want to be rude, so I went with him."

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