Chapter Seven

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Sakari's POV

Later that night, at precisely dusk, we found ourselves standing at Chan's front door, all dressed up for the party. Us girls were all in cute, red two-piece outfits, while Zuko was in a nice shirt and pants.

"Azula, I really don't think this is what they meant." I told her as she knocked on the door.

The door opened a moment later to reveal a confused Chan.

"Um, you're a little early." He said, giving us a weird look. "No one's here yet."

"I heard you telling someone you'd be partying from dusk till dawn." Azula said, making me internally facepalm. "It's dusk so we're here."

"But that's just an expression." Chan said, looking a little annoyed.

"We are the perfect party guests. We arrive right on time because we are very punctual." Azula informed him. Way to be cool, Azula.

Chan shrugged and waved us inside, leading us into the main area of the house.

"Alright, listen, my dad has no idea I'm having this party so don't mess anything up." Chan told us.

"That's a sharp outfit, Chan... Careful." Azula started. "You could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship leaving thousands to drown at sea... Because it's so sharp."

There was utter silence before Chan very awkwardly thanked Azula and walked away.

"Was that supposed to be flirting?" I asked shocked.

"What? Was it not good?" Azula asked.

"Maybe try being a little less intense?" I suggested. "Loosen up a bit."

As the sky grew darker the party got into full swing, there was so many people that it was almost too crowded in here. I was standing with Azula, sipping a drink, watching the scene unfold in front of us; Ty Lee was surrounded by five guys who were fighting over her, trying to make her choose one of them. But instead of choosing, Ty Lee swiftly knocked them all to the ground using her chi blocking, then she spotted us and came over.

"I'm glad you guys are here." She said, smiling at us. "Those boys won't leave me alone. I guess they all just like me too much."

"Come on, Ty Lee, you can't be this ignorant." Azula started. This wasn't gonna be good.

"What are you talking about?" Ty Lee asked, looking a little hurt.

"Yeah, Zula. What are you talking about?" I tried to hint for her not to continue.

"Those boys only like you because you're easy." Azula stated, making me elbow her lightly. "You're not a challenge. You're just a tease."

Azula sent me a small glare before continuing.

"It's not like they actually care who you are."

This was the breaking point for Ty Lee, she started sobbing and I quickly enveloped her in a hug, holding her as she cried.

"It's ok, calm down, Azula didn't mean it." I said, before glaring at Azula. "Right, Azula?"

"Ok, I'm sorry." Azula sighed. "Look, maybe I just said it because I was a little... Jealous."

"Really? You're jealous of me?" Ty Lee asked, surprised by her friend's words. "But you're the most beautiful, smartest, perfect girl in the world."

"Well, that is true." Azula stated. "But for some reason when I meet boys they act as if I'm going to do something horrible to them."

"Maybe that's because you probably would." I said, making Ty Lee giggle.

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