Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Sakari's POV

Sokka, Katara, Toph, Suki, and I had been sitting on the steps in front of the beach house for a while now, watching Zuko train Aang.

"More ferocious!" Zuko ordered him. "Imagine striking through your opponent's heart."

"I'm trying." Aang whined after shooting a couple more fire balls.

"Maybe it would help if you guys took your shirts off!" I shouted from my seat on the steps, chuckling at my own words.

"Very funny, Sakari." Katara said, rolling her eyes at me.

"You just wanna see Zuko's abs." Suki stated, sending me a wink.

"Let me see you roar like a tiger-dillo!" Zuko ordered Aang, trying to ignore the conversation going on behind him.

Aang wound up and let out a small roar, sending a small amount of fire out of his mouth and hands.

"That sounded pathetic." Zuko stated. "I said roar!"

Aang tried harder this time and succeeded in letting out a loud roar, sending a stream of fire from his mouth and hands, earning a nod of approval from Zuko. This, however, scared poor Momo and he came running over to hide behind me.

"Who wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice?" Katara announced, handing out the juice.

"Me! Me! Me!" Aang shouted, running towards Katara.

"Hey, your lesson isn't over yet! Get back here!" Zuko ordered him, grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him up.

"Come on, Zuko, it's just a little break. What's the big deal?" Suki asked, enjoying her watermelon juice.

"Fine." Zuko said grumpily, letting Aang go. "If you wanna lounge around all day, then go ahead!"

"Zuko!" I whined, chasing after him and handed him a glass of juice when I caught him. "Have a drink and loosen up a little."

"But the comet is only three days away, Aang needs to be training." Zuko replied, having a sip of his juice.

"Oh, right, about that-" I started, but Zuko cut me off.

"I have an idea. Did you wanna help me sneak attack Aang?" He asked just as the others went sprinting past us towards the beach.

"Beach party!" Sokka announced happily.

"Sure." I told Zuko, giggling at my brother. "But can I relax on the beach a little first?"

"Fine." Zuko sighed, giving me a quick kiss and then walking back to the house.

I relaxed on a towel on the beach next to Suki while Katara surfed in the water and the others made sand sculptures. Sokka kept running past us with seaweed and sticks for his sculpture, seeming like he was ignoring Suki.

"He's just being a boy." I whispered to Suki, cheering her up a little.

"Check out my Appa sculpture!" Aang announced, earning an approving growl from Appa.

"Not bad, not bad." Toph stated. "But check this out; I've been working on my Sandbending."

With one quick movement Toph created a small version of Ba Sing Se that had Aang in awe.

"You even made a little Earth King and Bosco." Aang said.

Everyone's eyes then moved to what Sokka had been working on, it looked like a big blob of sand with a face on it.

"Ta-da!" Sokka announced, showing off his "masterpiece."

"What is that supposed to be?" I asked, laughing at my brother.

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