She's Mine: Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


It was only a few minutes to midnight and Eliza was wide awake in her bedroom. Normally on a night like this, swallowing a pill or two to aid with sleep would have been the preferred choice. Yet, now that she was source of nourishment for another, she couldn't fathom the idea. So, she suffered. The crack of the open door was inviting, but she knew the second she got out of bed, Emmy would exile her back to her room.

Eliza felt guilty if she kept Emmy up any longer. She couldn't understand how Emmy could tolerate all of her tears and know exactly what was matter without Eliza having to say a word. However, the current cause for her sadness was obvious to the word, and the next morning Eliza tried to fight it. 

"I swear I'm fine," Eliza proclaimed again to a concerned pair of eyes. 

Emmy continued to hold the tissue box in front of her, and with annoyance she Eliza took another tissue with her free hand. In her other grasp was her baby girl, still fast asleep with her small face pressed into her mother's warm neck. 

"The more you hold her and say that you're fine, the worse it gets," Emmy snickered, but Eliza was far from amused. 

She finished wiping her nose and held Lulu even closer. Suddenly, a little grunt echoed past Eliza's ear and she had to close her eyes.

"I don't know if I can do it," Eliza exhaled, feeling tiny fingernails lightly scratch her skin.

"Three days is a long time, but they can speed by if you let them," Emmy reminded her.

Red enveloped the honey-brown eyes that revealed themselves again. 

"You'll be okay, mama," Emmy smiled, pressing her palm to Eliza's extra warm face. 

Eliza took another look at the luggage waiting to be shuttled out of the building with her. Still crestfallen, she wasn't sure if she would make it out of the door. She was away for hours every work day, but the thought of over 72 hours away from Lulu was carving out a place in her chest. 

"She won't even be awake to see me go," Eliza murmured. 

Emmy tilted her head and wiped another moist trail on Eliza's face, "I don't think you want her to. Let it seem like another morning away to work for the both of you. She's not quite used to seeing you depart in the mornings, and I don't know if you or her will want to experience that just yet." 

Through the lowered window from the yellow cab, Eliza reached out and took one last grip of Lulu's balled fist. 

"We'll both miss you," Emmy said with a cracked voice and a smile.

She began to laugh at herself and fan her face with her free hand, trying her best to play off the obvious fact that she was overwhelmed with Eliza's temporary departure. 

Struck with surprise, Eliza observed Emmy's glassy eyes. There were words that desperately wanted to fall from Eliza's lips, but she knew it would be better to let Emmy's actions speak for her. As the cab finally began to trek down the congested morning streets, the caretaker was happy that Eliza hadn't asked why she was so emotional. The bond between a mother and child is something that simply can't be explained. Eliza was not the only mother torn. Emmy was responsible for two growing hearts, and no matter how big hers was in her chest, it was still vulnerable to a tender moment. 

The large pair of sunglasses were going to stay on Eliza's face for the entire journey. Quickly strutting through the noisy crowds, she hurried to her concourse, found her registered gate and lifted up her badge. Walking past the folding lines of prospective passengers, Eliza was officially on her way to her flight. 

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