She's Mine: Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


Emmy lightly knocked at Eliza's bedroom door and said, "Don't worry about what happened. Okay, baby?"

Eliza had swiftly excused herself into her bedroom as soon as the trio stepped foot into her apartment. Emmy was pissed at her surprise arrival being ruined by Andrew's invasive event. Despite assuming that Lulu's father would have harassed her to some capacity during their trip, Emmy focused on what Eliza actually said to her during their conversations. 

She had missed her baby; Eliza missed them.

The happy little woman looked forward to seeing the look on Eliza's face when she arrived at the airport, and it was worth the priceless look on her face– regardless of how short the moment lasted. 

Emmy leaned against the door frame and took in a deep breath. Turning to her left, she forced a smile for the energetic baby she held on her side.

"Lulu bear," Emmy began sadly. "You feel bad for mama too?"

Lulu's big brown eyes studied Emmy's face for a moment before turning to the closed door and reaching out of it. Gurgling, Lulu excitedly waved her fist to the door. 

"You calling for mama? Call mama, " Emmy whispered with joy and Lulu lit up. 

Emmy knew that every time she said "mama" Lulu would squirm around delight. So, she kept on teasing the baby girl with her favorite word in the hopes that her plan would work. Her mission was accomplished within ten seconds.

Eliza swung open her bedroom door with a wet face and red-rimmed eyes. Emmy anxiously smiled with all of her teeth, while Lulu spread her little fingers out with joy to her mother. 

"Uh oh, Eliza! Watch out there's a bear coming at you!" Emmy teased, dramatically bridging Lulu into Eliza's arms.

The sad mom was overwhelmed with eagerness once she was holding her happy baby again. She kissed her soft cheeks and forehead, taking in Lulu's powdered scent. Then, Eliza lightly tapped her finger on Lulu's small nose, and her smile faded. 

"How?" Eliza questioned to Lulu, or maybe to no one. 

Emmy dipped her head and muttered, "Eliza, don't do it." 

"I can't help it. I just have to wonder. She's so happy and I... I love her," Eliza confessed, watching Lulu grab her finger. "But I can't even be around her father."

Emmy wagged her finger and pouted, "Now you stop that, Eliza."

Tearful eyes glanced up Emmy, but she kept her lips together looking at the impending fury on her caretaker's face.

"You are home now, and though he cannot be forgotten, he is not here. He shouldn't be here. Not in body or mind right now. You hear me?"

"She's half of him. I can't even bear the thought of her seeing him," Eliza whimpered. 

Emmy's hands pleaded with her, "I understand you, baby. But until you feel comfortable having him meet the child he's contributed nothing to... not even time... you don't let him take control of you this way."

"But isn't he practically trying?" Eliza questioned. 

"Yes! He's trying to break you. He assumes that one day you will come around, but he's not a man with patience. He's suddenly a new father, and understandably frightened. But what happened to the conversations when Lulu was still in the womb? Was he that scared? Why isn't he scared now?" 

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