Chapter Fifty-Three- All to Get Attention

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TW: Mentions of Abuse


"Remus, calm down! What's the problem?" Sirius asked in alarm. Remus, who had gone very pale and had nearly passed out, recieved another shake from his friend. They had all been talking in the dorm, Peter bragging proudly about the challenge he had created. Their quiet friend had seemed withdrawn all day, and awfully pale, but upon hearing the Marauders wanted to give the game ago he had started completely freaking out. It didn't make sense, especially due to the fact that any chance of getting in trouble could be sidestepped completely by blaming any injuries suffered from the competition on flying or Quidditch. Afterall, it was common knowledge that this was the best way to get out of Madam Pomfrey's inquiry, and the matron was only too happy to have further evidenced of how dangerous the sport was. But no mater how many times they explained that to their frantic friend it didn't seem to help matters. Peter had gotten the worst of Remus' panicking to stop, despite having no idea why his friend was doing this to him. And now Sirius was trying to get an answer out of Remus who was curled up in a tight ball on his bed, the oldest Marauder hovering beside him.

"It''s so dangerous..." the out-of-it boy whispered, voice hoarse. James frowned, looking deep in thought. The chaser had gone rather silent once Remus started panicking, watching the other two tend to their mate with a small troubled frown. All of the fun of the day had been completely sucked dry. This was supposed to be Peter's moment and his friend was ruining it for all of them.

Peter couldn't believe it. He would have expected Remus of all people to appreciate and support his recently recognized brilliance. James and Sirius had all but been idolizing Peter all day, passing him notes in class first and showering him with compliments that for once weren't the least bit insincere! It had been utterly amazing. Bloody hell, even potions with Marlene had been bearable. She had been so awed with James and Sirius being impressed she hadn't nagged him for being bad at the subject. But now Remus was trying to ruin it!

At least Sirius and James seemed to think Remus was a nutter for reacting so strongly. It's not like Remus had ever cared that much about things being dangerous before. If the swot really did care then he never would have entered the Forbidden Forest twice, nor would he have let them enter. The only conclusion that Peter could come up with that could possibly make sense was that Remus Lupin was jealous of him. Because now that Remus was acting upset Sirius was being all attentive to him, watching him with wide eyes even if he didn't get why their friend was so upset. However, if Peter had reacted that way they would have called him a wuss and laughed at him, possibly even leave him behind on their next adventure because they "didn't want to deal with a pansy." So why was it so different for Remus?

Also, why was James frowning like everything that Remus said and did had some deeper importance? Couldn't they tell the boy was just trying to get the focus to be on him when it should be on Peter?

The youngest Marauder fumed as Remus buried his face in his hands. Sirius looked at James, only unlike usual the two didn't share some significant look because the latter was too busy staring at his feet. Not getting the usual reaction from James, the look was then directed at Peter. The youngest was quick to look back, always having wanted to be a part of the non-verbal communication the two seemed to endlessly possess. Only whatever Peter's neutral facial expression seemed to communicate to Sirius, it was clear he didn't like it. He looked away quickly, his eyes back on Remus with a sort of over-concern about him that could not be normal! It wasn't even anywhere near the end of the month!

Although it had seemed that Remus' disappearances had more to do with the second to last week of the month this year, slowly changing by a few days. But when Peter had pointed out the fluctuating pattern to James, his friend had completely bit his head off. It wasn't fair!

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