Chapter Twenty-Four- Fire, Earth or Water

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There was a crack and suddenly Dumbledore was there in a burnt auburn robe, looking not at all surprised to see Remus.

"Ah, Mr. Lupin, how are you this evening?" he asked as if expecting the three of them to sit down for tea and crumpets.

"Alright, sir. You?" Remus answered without thinking because the headmaster most likely knew the young werewolf currently was not all right. Remus hated being reminded of how alone he was in this, how unknown it all still was, and how his monthly transformations could somehow dominate his life more than they already did!

"Very busy, so I do so enjoy an excuse to leave my work. Staying out of trouble, Mr. Lupin?"

"Mostly, sir." He tried to force a small smile but his lips seemed frozen in a neutral expression as if bracing themselves for any possibility. If the headmaster noticed how upset the student before him was he gave no notice.

"Good. If you did entirely that would be incredibly dull, wouldn't it?" Dumbledore chuckled with a wink. Remus nodded, still finding himself unable to grin, even as Madam Pomfrey shot Dumbledore a most displeased look muttering something about 'men.'

"I suppose so, sir," the weary boy replied as cheerfully as he could manage.

"Everything alright with Mr. Pettigrew, Mr. Black, and Mr. Potter, I take it?" His headmaster continued to speak as if he couldn't plainly see something was wrong with Remus. The werewolf nodded his head at those twinkling eyes trying to find comfort in them, Dumbledore at least would know what to do.

"Good, I heard from a very upset Minerva that there altercation with Mr. Black and Mr. Pettigrew?"

"It was nothing, sir," Remus replied quickly, perhaps a bit too quickly. Sharp blue eyes narrowed just slightly, peering down at him above half-moon glasses. "Just a...misunderstanding," he explained, trying to sound more casual about it.

"Yes, well friends are one of life's most precious gifts, Remus. I recommend you keep your friends close, and you never know, they may surprise you." Remus, like usual, when speaking to Dumbledore, wasn't entirely sure what he meant but nodded as if he did. "Very good. Now then, having some difficulties, are we Mr. Lupin?"

Remus glanced at Madam Pomfrey who motioned for him to go on with an encouraging smile. Taking a deep breath Remus explained what was going on once more, somehow finding it even harder to explain than the first time.

"Yes, well that's perfectly normal, Remus,'' Dumbledore concluded calmly.

A breath Remus didn't know he had been holding escaped him and he felt his too tense body, wound up like a coil ready to snap, sag in relief. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Madam Pomfrey shoot Dumbledore a sharp look but he quickly put it out of his mind. He knew Dumbledore wouldn't lie to him after all. "Thank you, sir."

"Professor or just Dumbledore, Remus. Yes, you may experience other changes, and no matter how insignificant they seem you must tell them to Madam Pomfrey immediately alright?"

Remus felt a hint of doubt creep into him. If it was so normal why keep such close track of every difference? But that was a traitorous thought, he owed Dumbledore his life and he wouldn't doubt the man unless he gave him good cause to, very good cause to.

"Of course, sir...ah, Professor."

Dumbledore smiled at him, his eyes dancing with amusement, which gave Remus comfort. Of course, he had overacted, of course, it was normal.

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