Chapter Forty-Four- The First Task

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The Marauders had finally made it to November 24th. The day they had all been waiting for since the champions were announced had finally arrived! This year seemed to be going by slowly, at least it felt that way to James. If he was being honest he was getting really tired of the drama between Sirius and Remus. More specifically, Sirius constantly ranted to him about Remus while James did his best not to let anything slip.

After the first Quidditch game, the chaser was going to properly look into Remus. Not that the uncertainty of if his mate was a werewolf stopped James from his mission. He held it to be an important matter of making comments to protest Sirius' after DADA. Even if James was wrong and Remus wasn't a werewolf, he was beginning to believe their eccentric professor that some dark creatures got a bad rap. Besides, it would only be a good thing if Sirius was less hateful of them, even if just a bit.

"Oi, hurry up, Potter!" Sirius shouted at him impatiently, tugging on a sweater and wrapping the Gryffindor scarf around his neck with a small frown that appeared on his face anytime something remotely bringing up Remus was around. It's not even like the two gits were exactly fighting or ignoring each other! It really confused James, and try as hard as he might, he couldn't quite understand what was going on with them.

One moment they were laughing and carrying on as normal then out of nowhere they were shooting each other measuring looks as if trying to determine who would crack first under whatever pretence they were all playing at. It was infuriating!

James had spent several nights talking to his mum in the fireplace about what exactly he was supposed to do about it. Of course, he obviously didn't tell her everything, but enough that she got the gist. Her response of 'give it time' didn't help his frustration in the matter either.

"James, COME ON!" Sirius whined, hopping foot to foot with excitement. Peter and Remus had already gone ahead to the location of the first task. But Sirius hadn't dressed warm enough and James was forced to go with him since he may or may not also have been just a bit chilly himself. James finished tugging his sweater on, letting the worries about his frustrating friends leave him as he got re-absorbed in Sirius' whirlwind of excitement. The energy continued from them both as they sprinted when out of sight of professors or prefects, and speed-walked the rest of the way until they reached the grounds.

"I want to see Gideon beat them both!" Sirius howled, jumping up and down as they caught up to the crowd of other tardy students who hadn't dressed warm enough for the biting cold November day. Really they should have listened to Remus as Peter did, but it didn't matter now. Both of them used their elbows and smaller statures to their advantage as they fought their way forward to many exclamations of pain and frustration. As a result of their aggression with the crowd, Sirus and James lost each other in the midst of it. But James wasn't too worried about meeting up and kept his focus on trying to get a look at the Black Lake, all set up for the tournament, as soon as he could. An impossible feat with so many students taller than him.

"Haha! Woah there, little lad. Slow down, why don't you," called an amused somewhat familiar-sounding older boy's voice from above. Suddenly James' feet weren't touching the ground. He let out an exclamation of surprise which turned into one of delight as Fabian hoisted him onto the broom with his usual wicked smile.

"Fabian!" James shouted in delight, beaming up at the twin of the Hogwart's champion.

"Can't have the students that helped my bro miss the big day, now can we?" He winked and before James could ask why Fabian was running behind, they were taking off above students' heads, ignoring the many glares shot in their direction.

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