Chapter Sixty-Four- Into the Fire

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Sirius had not forgotten about Remus essentially drugging himself, nor was he as naive as James to find no issue with it. Living in the Black family, which consisted of many fucked up characters, Sirius had experienced and witnessed a lot. One such thing was the poison that sleeping draughts could be. It was why he avoided them like a plague even though he knew they could be very helpful to him. It's why he had been so angry with himself and really all of them when Remus had accidentally overdosed once before.

But for it to happen a second time, and on purpose!

Sirius shook away the image of the old woman with spittle running down her chin and empty eyes that only seemed to light up when the little vile of poison was given to her.

It was Christmas, and he would think about what to say to Remus later. Make no mistake, he'd have a serious talk with him since he didn't think Remus understood the severity that sleeping draught addiction could be. Sirius understood the appeal of simply overdosing on the potion and sleeping deeply with no dreams. He understood all too well the lure of time passing. Less time awake meant less time thinking dark thoughts. He knew Remus could understand such an appeal as well.

But it was Christmas, and Sirius reminded himself that having that conversation with his friend could wait until after the festivities and the Yule Ball.

Ugh, he wasn't looking forward to the stupid dance! James thought he was bloody lucky to be going with Ms. MacNair, but James didn't know it was just another chance for his family to shove a gentleman's necktie around his neck that was basically a silk chain. Sirius unconsciously tugged on his shirt collar, glad to find the dress robes his mum had 'oh so kindly' gifted him for Christmas weren't on his body....yet.

"Thank you, Peter, this is wonderful," Remus replied with a smile that still seemed far too downcast for Sirius' liking. Peter beamed and hugged Remus, who Sirius watched closely for any physical injury. He knew Remus' ankle still hurt and caught his friend limping from time to time. Sirius had to physically bite his tongue to prevent himself from interrogating the boy over the matter.

He watched, a little bored as Remus opened up presents that weren't his. Sirius found great annoyance that little miss Lily Evans had found it necessary to give Remus two presents. One gift had 'from Lily' while the other gift from her was labelled 'pen pals.' Sirius snorted while Remus cracked a more sincere smile at the book the 'pen pal,' obviously Lily, gave him. Those two were such swots!

Then Remus opened his present and the smile on his face grew. "Sirius, this is incredible!"

"Now you don't have to struggle to shove books into your bag. We all know what a crime it would be if you accidentally damaged one of your precious books," Sirius smirked.

"Oh thank you, Sirius. These moleskin pouches can be impossible to find," Remus gasped.

And expensive. But Sirius wasn't going to let Remus know that, not when he was so delighted he had gotten his friend to finally lighten up. It's not as if Sirius wasn't aware that Remus had been faking quite a bit yesterday. It's not as if Sirius hadn't gotten much better at reading his friends since last year, especially Remus.

"Mine next, I'm tired of waiting," James complained, with a hint of competitive jealousy that Sirius found amusing. There was no way the git could beat him.

Remus gave James a rather awkward smile but Sirius was glad that at least Potter had gotten over whatever internal conflict he had been having about Lupin and Evans. It was with genuine happiness the chaser handed the package over to its recipient. Sirius watched the gold wrapping paper come off the gift with exaggerated carefulness, since Remus seemed determined to save as much of the paper as possible for some silly reason.

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