Chapter Fourteen- An Odd Conversation Beside an Odd Fireplace

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TW: Self-Deprecating Thoughts 


Remus spent the night plagued by nightmares.

He was glad his plan had worked. He had come out of the bathroom to find all three boys asleep. A tiny part of him had also been upset that they hadn't stayed awake, especially Sirius, who the werewolf had been so sure he wouldn't outlast. Deep down, Remus really was sick of keeping secrets. If they found out what he was, then his ex-friends would surely turn him into the Ministry. It was probably what he deserved.

A few days after that night Remus found himself standing outside Professor Corbyn's door. He had spent a long weekend avoiding everyone, Lily included. Why he was in front of that door, and why he had avoided his friends he wasn't quite sure. Perhaps he was hoping that his professor could convince him that all dark creatures weren't evil. Maybe he wasn't...was at least more than the monster his nightmares revealed. Unable to knock, he paced and paced but still could not get his first to make contact with the door. Remus was very tired from the past nights of having to wait until the others were asleep before returning to the dorm. At least his friends had learned to simply wait him out when he hid from them. They didn't try to hunt him down anymore. All three boys were actually giving him space. They must have known they had pushed things too far.

But James really had delivered home quite a valid point. The guilt that Remus had over his secrets had been rising all weekend. He knew he was putting a strain on his friends. The problem was that telling the truth would put an even bigger burden on them all. Suddenly, the door opened and Remus found himself staring at Professor Corbyn. The man looked a bit surprised, then smiled, holding the door open wider.

"Hello there, Remus. Please, please come in."

Since the second-year student was awkwardly close to his professor's office, too close to pass it off as simply passing by, he had no choice but to go in. Professor Corbyn's office had a homely feel to it, with a comfy-looking chair and a little fireplace lit with multi-colored flames that seemed to soothe Remus unexplainably as soon as he saw them. There were a lot of pictures of magical creatures on the wall, some hissing or snarling at whoever made eye contact with them, others sleeping, or still others watching curiously. With great relief, Remus realized there were no werewolves amongst the creatures. Though he wasn't sure how such a picture would work anyways, would it just be a man or woman most of the time?

"Please sit. You're the third student to show up today." The young professor took a seat in one of the soft chairs in front of the fire, gesturing to the other one.

"Really?" Remus asked, surprised. He was sure he'd be the first to come to talk to their professor, who had alerted their class and all those he taught that his door was open. Somehow, knowing that the werewolf wasn't the first or only pupil to seek out the peculiar professor made him feel less foolish, if only marginally.

"Yes, I'm quite pleased. I was worried no one would take me up on my offer. It seems my statement about dark creatures did the trick at getting students to come to see me. Two more visited me rather late yesterday afternoon," Professor Corbyn explained as if this was the best news he could have hoped for.

"And they asked you about your...unusual beliefs?" Remus asked, feeling nice, warm, and oddly calm. Much more relaxed than he would have expected to feel, though he couldn't quite place why.

"At first, but all conversations have led to some more personal topics. I must say that there are many students with many different struggles. I'm pleased so many opened up to me. No pressure, of course," Professor Corbyn concluded with a slight smile, leaning back against the chair with his attention on the fire.

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