Chapter Forty-Eight- Broken Barriers

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Blessedly Remus' professor didn't have the heart to scold or lecture him on the way to Madam Pomfrey's. They walked in silence, which was fine by Remus because he really had to focus on each step, both so as not to fall and not to reveal how much pain he was in. As a result, he couldn't really tell where they were going though knew it was only a matter of time before they reached the hospital wing.

"REMUS LUPIN!" Madam Pomfrey shouted, understandably and predictably irate. She bustled over to him, as they must have reached their destination, pulling him into a hug which made his already sore body scream in protest. "You worried me. I was about to go chase you down. I should have known you'd be at the game. Don't you dare do that again! Do you hear me?"

Remus nodded, truly not planning to; both since James would never have a 'first game' again and because of how much pain he was currently in, making it obvious it hadn't been a good idea.

"Sorry, Pomfrey," he mumbled, coming across as chastised and as guilty as he felt.

Professor Corbyn put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Now, Poppy, go easy on the lad. He was supporting his friend and--"

"I don't care if he was defeating Voldemort! He knows better. I tell him to stay in bed several days for a reason!" she hollered, not backing down in her level of irritation. Remus flinched at her loud tone, painfully close to his ear, but she didn't seem to notice.

"I understand, but it must be hard for him. You can't be so mad at him for attempting to live out a normal childhood," Corbyn pointed out, still trying to defend his student.

"You sound a great deal like Dumbledore. I understand the sentiment but the practicality is that he can't have a normal childhood and it's best he accepts that now before it hurts more later," the matron argued.

Remus was aware that the conversation they were having was an important one, but his head was hammering. In the safety of the hospital wing, he stopped fighting himself. He collapsed into Madam Pomfrey's arms who caught him, letting out a huff of "see what I mean," before he blacked out completely.


"Remus, Remus, look what I found," came the shrill cry of a blond-haired blue-eyed child who nearly tripped in his rush to reach him. The older Remus found himself watching a scene play out, a mere spectator like usual. The second year gnashed his teeth, willing something to change this time. He didn't want to simply watch horrors unfold and be unable to stop them. It wasn't fair.

"What is it?" the little version of himself asked, looking up from his very serious business of making a sandcastle. He stopped pushing sand into lumps, letting the last grains trickle through his little fingers in awe. "Is that a--"

"Yep!" chirped the sunshine boy excitedly, a broad grin stretching across his face. The four-year-old gave a little excited jump and his squeal was met by a younger Remus' who reached out to take the object, assuring his bestest friend in the whole world that he was the coolest. Then out of nowhere, a hand grabbed the toddler him's wrist roughly, filling him with a lead feeling of guilt that made him start crying, loudly.

"Bad boys deserved to be punished," came the gravelly tone, deep and raw. The terrifying voice was unnatural...predatory.

Run! Run!

Remus tried to run to his little self but it was like an invisible barrier prevented him. He watched helplessly, unable to stop the strange mix of dream and memory that clashed within him like a storm.

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