Chapter Nine- A Weak Resolve

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By the time Remus and Ryan made it up to the castle, dinner was in full swing. This hopefully meant all eyes wouldn't be on them when they slipped in. They both worried for different reasons, and once Professor Corbyn realized this, he assured them that he'd go in first, which would certainly draw all eyes.

"Alright, boys, I'll see you in class on Wednesday," he called out to them confidently. Then their professor strode into the Great Hall, and Remus could hear the volume dwindle as the students began to notice.

"Everyone is always very interested in the Defense Professor," Ryan laughed nervously. Remus would have to agree. He was glad things weren't too awkward between him and the Slytherin. Ryan had apologized a few more times, and Remus had apologized, then they had both ended up apologizing at the same time and started laughing at how ridiculous they were being.

"Well, we should head in before the advantage Professor Corbyn gave us dwindles," Remus pointed out, and Ryan laughed a tense-sounding laugh again. Maybe things were still a bit awkward between them, or Ryan was just that scared to enter.

"Look, last year we had Potions together and--"

"We did? Oh, I guess we would have had that class together, huh?" Remus realized, caught off guard, but Ryan was right, last year Gryffindors had attended potions with the Slytherins which had been a private sort of hell in his opinion, though he wasn't about to tell Ryan that.

"Haha, yeah, I figured you didn't notice me."

"Oh, sorry."

"No, no it's fine, I mean you always look so sick in that least you did."

Remus was glad there wasn't the slightest hint of a question in Ryan's voice. His new friend just accepted that that's how potions were for Remus, whatever the reason.

"I'll be sure to say hi next time," Remus assured him, only Ryan grimaced at the suggestion. "Or...not...?" he hesitated, wondering if his sobbing had freaked the boy out more than he had let on.

"Well, we don't have Potions together this year. We have Defense Against the Dark Arts. But even in that's nothing against you it's just...well things will be difficult enough for me in my house as it is..."

"Oh! Oh sorry, yeah, of course, I won't say anything then," Remus assured his new friend sincerely.

"But...but we can still be friends!" Ryan said quickly, too quickly. Remus' heart went out to how lonely the boy must have been last year, and he gave him a reassuring smile.

"Absolutely," Remus grinned.

The anxious werewolf realized that the chance Professor Corbyn had given them was gone, but Ryan didn't seem ready to enter, and Remus wasn't about to leave him.

"Yes, great, sort of has to be a secret you know? I mean...well...." Ryan fumbled with his cloak, trying to button the buttons he had become preoccupied with. Remus wished Ryan wasn't so worried about offending him. He understood, really he did, and the last thing he wanted was to make Ryan's life harder than it needed to be.

"Well, how about this?" Remus tried. "One of my friends knows how to create a message notepad that can transfer messages, so once I get her to show me how, I'll give you some and, well, how about if you want to meet in the library and you think the coast will be clear on your end flip your book upside down at the very start of class... It has to be at the beginning otherwise I probably won't notice. Then if I can actually do that I'll...."

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