Chapter Thirteen- Not All Rainbows and Unicorns

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"I'm soooo sorry!" Peter whined for the hundredth time, producing another pile of snacks to make them forgive him. He was getting quite bold at sneaking into the kitchens by himself. Sirius still turned his nose up at him, even though he was feeling fine after a nice hot shower.

"We didn't get to do any of our homework we were going to do," James pointed out, toweling off his wet hair violently, and Sirius scoffed since they were actually supposed to practice flying, which was actually much worse to miss.

"I'm really sorry, I explained that I ended up passing out...." Peter attempted, dropping the snacks in the middle of the room, eyes hopeful that he would be in the clear now. But they weren't about to let him off that easily. Sirius took a few steps towards the middle of the room then crossed his arms, pretending he didn't care in the foggiest what goodies Peter had scavenged.

"Yeah, yeah, some mate you are," James muttered sitting down on the ground by the snacks, sounding wounded still. Peter looked ready to cry and went over to Remus standing by his bed, who was by far the most forgiving. Sirius settled down on the ground next to James elbowing his friend who had nearly folded, almost picking up a pasty. That would have been a clear indicator of forgiveness, which wasn't allowed...yet.

"Remus, you took me there. Madam Pomfrey said it would be a while, right?" Peter exclaimed, standing a bit away from Remus who was still covered in dirt, having been dragged nearly five feet by one of the toadstools.

Remus glanced at Peter, looking tired. He hadn't showered yet since James had just finished his. Remus looked down at Peter with displeasure and mild annoyance.

"Peter, you do realize you didn't get graded for this assignment right?" he asked, gently, despite the obvious frustration with his friend that they all shared. Peter made a pitiful whimpering sound.

"But I...I got injured!" he sputtered indignantly. "I even lost a tooth."

"Yeah, and Remus is ill every time he goes to Potions, but still he goes," James pointed out angrily. Peter hung his head in what Sirius at first thought was well-deserved shame. After all, if Peter had stayed the other three wouldn't have had to stay long after class ended, getting mildly beaten up by leaping toadstools. Although it was really the principle more than anything, that Peter hadn't come back to help them.

"It's not fair! I'm having a really hard time and none of you care and it's not fair," Peter cried in frustration, stomping back towards the pile of snacks looking like he had half a mind to confiscate them.

Sirius had been about to forgive him, what with him bringing treats and all, but that statement ruined it entirely. He got to his feet, ignoring Remus' warning tone, and grabbed Peter's shirt collar, giving him a good shake.

"YOU? YOU are having a hard time!" Sirius shouted in Peter's face, who looked quite scared now. Good, he should be, throwing around that rubbish in front of him and Remus.

"That's enough!" James shouted angrily, and Sirius dropped Peter, surprised. It wasn't Peter that James was angry with. Not anymore.

"Sirius, you can't respond like that. You don't know what Peter's having a hard time with," Remus replied quietly. Sirius hardly heard him, glaring at James, who glared back.

"What's your problem, Potter?!"

"What's yours, Black?! You've been taking out your anger on all of us since you got here. It's not our fault you had a lousy summer and family, or that Remus doesn't tell us anything or that Regulus won't talk to you!" James shouted, face red with anger. Sirius felt his cheeks color with embarrassment, which quickly turned to frustration.

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