The Last Battle

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~ Third POV ~

     Knockout was forced to watch as his beloved rode beside Unicron, solemn and beaten- the menace reached over with a digit, turning her helm up to watch as the undead beasts made their slow advance.

         "(Y/D)!" He made a run for her, only to be held back by Bumblebee and Dreadwing.

         "It's no use- trying to save her would result in both your offlining!" Dreadwing scolded, "We need to keep those beasts away from the Well."

         "We can hold off a large majority," Predaking stated, Skylynx and Darksteel just behind him, Roman cheering on Skylynx's shoulder.

         "Let's go! Come on, I want a thrill!"

         "Autobots and Neutrals, roll out!" Bumblebee ordered, and the legion bolted to circle the Well to ensure all sides were protected, Seeker drones taking to the skies, being wary of the three predacons on their side. 

     The fight seemed to go nowhere, however. The undead predacons advanced, then shrank back, repeating this motion apparently for Unicron's own amusement in the struggles of these soon to die bots. He chuckled, (Y/D) looking away when another vehicon was torn apart limb from limb by the terrorcons. A Seeker drone was torn down, their screams heard over the tumult as their wings were torn.

         "Music to my audio-" Unicron chuckled, Megatron sick of his games he played on (Y/D). "You could enjoy them too, just tell me you want my blood to change that lovely processor of yours."

        "You'll be disappointed then," she huffed, "I don't give in so easily."

Unicron growled, taking her by her neck cables again much to everyone's horror, but (Y/D) wasn't held for long as she was harshly set in front of him, held closely as he ordered the corpses to march forward. She fought against him as best she could before being squeezed harshly.

         "Take your servos off of my sister!" Roman let go of Skylynx, dropping on top of Unicron.

     He held on for dear life as the creature of darkness attempted to shake him off like a bug, but this allowed (Y/D) to escape his grasp, and she launched herself off the undead beast, her draped cape ripping off beneath a sharp, rusted talon.

         "Roman, get off of him!" She called frantically, hearing a harsh crunch before a metallic, annoyed 'huff', not a sound coming from her brother, "Roman!"

         "Get away from him! (Y/D), come to us!"

     The femme hesitated, resulting in almost getting crushed by a dead predacon, waking her up to her current surroundings and the angered deity who now slipped off his steed to start after his prize. (Y/D) chose to transform, dodging blindly raging predacon jaws and stomping claws, earning more scratches and wounds as she drove frantically. It was only when the dangers lifted into the sky did she transform, looking up as these beasts surrounded the Seeker drones.

         "Flyers, retreat!" Everyone hollered out of sync, only a few making it while others found themselves overtaken by these circling beasts. Many fell into the Well of Allsparks,  Vehicons managing to save some with only their wings clipped.

         "Admit it," Unicron bellowed, "Even with your numbers, you cannot beat my power!"

     Knockout was first to greet him before the mech reached (Y/D), using his electric rod to deter his advance. (Y/D) helped by keeping herself moving toward Rafael, holding Strykeout at the downed Nemesis. Unicron had turned to keep an optic on Knockout, Megatron seeing through his optics. He saw the sight of a carrier reunited with her two sparklings- one was far older...

         'No wonder she chose to be neutral-' he thought to himself, but Unicron heard everything, nothing was private.

         "So she was not as fiery as you said she was, because of two hindrances."

         "My boys are not hindrances!" Knockout declared, attempting to shock the mech again, only to be thrown to the side, but it was Dreadwing's turn as he flew past, dangerously close.

     The biggest Seeker transformed above the deity, attempting to crush him, but like Knockout, was thrown to the side. He was not out of this fight though. Getting back up he rushed at the bulked-out form of Megatron's body, connecting servos as they wrestled.

         "So much care for a femme not even related to you," Unicron chuckled.

         "I owe her my spark," Dreadwing seethed, taking a burst of energy from his anger and pushing Unicron back towards where he came, though only by a few feet.

        "Then I will take it on her behalf." Unicron warmed his canon before swiftly taking aim, but it was Soundwave's turn to attack.

     Acting firmly the lithe ex-Decepticon charged from above, diving only to transform and forcing Unicron to aim at the ground, but both were caught in the overloaded charge, being blown back.

         "Soundwave!" Rafael charged for the bot, despite the worried (Y/D)'s screams for him to come back, trying to soothe Strykeout in the fray of it all. The youngling reached his best friend just before Unicron stood, bringing out his choice weapon in a vain attempt at self defense.

         "I see this youngling inherited your will to help others," the deity laughed, "Such a waste of energon-"

         "I don't think so-" 

Ratchet took his turn, impaling the war lord's body at close range to keep Raf safe. His attempt resulted in him being thrown next to the pair, but the old medic came up to his knees in front of them, joined by other vehicons to protect the trio. 

         "Such fighting spirit," Unicron sneered, "Disgusting. And all for a lost cause!"

They heard the eerie cries from above as the corpses, long rusted, started their decent into the Well. Everyone knew full well Primus couldn't live within a tainted chamber his dark brother had infected.

     (Y/D) growled, deciding it was her turn to take to the front lines, despite the protests of Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Arcee. She gave the only other femme available the sparkling, a desperate expression telling the Autobot to take care of her babies if she didn't make it. Leaving Arcee speechless, she unsheathed her blades and rammed into Unicron from behind.

         "You will harm my family no more!" 

         "And so that fire is back-" he cackled, making his own dark blade appear, made of pure chaotic energy. "Realize you'll have nothing to lose, (Y/D)?"

         "No," she deflected his blade, once, twice and soon kicked him back, forcing them both to need to take a short break to collect themselves and calculate their next move, "I realized I have everything to give!"

(Well ya'll didn't say a thing about the last one, here's another bomb I get to drop on you. Hope you guys enjoyed XD)

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