Further planning

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~(Y/D)'S POV~

     Strykeout was being fussy, unless he was in my arms, so I had to hold him as we discussed things further. Preda' was more than willing to speak to the two knew Predacons, and Roman was more than willing to help.

         "They think I'm an imaginary friend," he laughed through the comm link, "So Shockwave and Starscream have no idea I'm here." 

         "Just be careful," Dad cautioned, "Shockwave's smarter than you might think."

         "Said his descendant," Knockout snickered, and Dad only shook his head.

         "Okay, so my opinion is slightly biased."

         "I don't think that should really be our main concern..." Raf was typing on the computer, being held up by Soundwave underneath his shoulder joints, an adorable sight to see "Carrier still has the attention of Unicron, not to mention Strykeout, who will more than likely be a servo-full."

Said sparkling began to squirm for attention again, and I sighed, rocking him.

         "A good observation," I noted, "but I have the perfect sparkling sitter."

Raf was going to argue, but was stopped by Soundwave as he set him down.

         "As for Unicron," Preda huffed, "Let him try to get his claws on my Mistress, we'll see whose energon hits the ground first."

         "Calm yourself big guy," Knockout stated, "You'll have to wait in line."

         "Boys!" my father announced his presence on the center table, earning everyones attention as the room went silent aside from the babbling and short giggles from Strykeout as he played with my digits, "We all see the dilemmas as well as the short comings. The main one being that Optimus and the Stiff can't help." He meant Ultra Magnus, and those of us who weren't Autobots, chuckled, "But we have numbers in the Neutral party, a man on the inside," he pointed to the computer where Roman's mugshot resided, "And you have me." 

         "Yes, because this supposed Alt mode of yours is so great?" Ratchet huffed.

         "I never said it was my Alt mode that was great," Scythe huffed back, "But I can get nearest to Shockwave if the opportunity arises without being shot at... hopefully."

     I was far to occupied with Strykeout to listen to much else, though trust me, I wanted to, but when the silly thing won't quiet down for even a second, it's hard to pay attention. Then again, I could barely look away. He seemed so happy in my arms, playing with my digits, simply moving them around, like little LEGO parts almost. I didn't know how I was going to leave him again, while it might only be for short times, I'm sure they'd feel like years. I'd miss his little laugh, his bright blue optics, so filled with a wonderous joy that I was sure it had to be contagious, because my smile mirrored his.


I jumped slightly at the mention of my name, smiling apologeticaly at my audience.

         "Sorry, something about the bone yard?"

         "Yeah," Roman piped up, "Shockwave and Starscream just got their recent shipment of Predacon remains, but their moving out in less than three Earth hours, so either attack now, or wait for a better time."

         "What's your suggestion?" my Dad asked, and the comm was silent for a time.

         "Wait for a better opening, now is when Skylynx is really edgy, which means he's more 'tear you apart' than 'let's talk about it'."

         "Good work," Bumblebee praised my brother, "Will you contact us when another opening arises?"

         "Sure thing Buzz-bot! Roman- over and out!"

     His mugshot disappeared, and soon everyone was talking about Unicron rather than the 'dynamic duo'.

         "If he's developed the same liking to (Y/D) as Megatron," Knockout spoke up, "I don't want her anywhere near him."

         "Uh, hello? I'm right here," that annoyed me.

         "He has a point, kiddo," Scythe turned to me and Knockout, Strykeout still in my arms, "You have to remember, you're not human anymore, or at least mostly human."

         "Isn't that a good thing?" I huffed, slightly confused.

         "Not necessarily," Arcee started, "You were careless with your life before, and that's when you had a shorter life span as well as a weaker body, think of how you'll treat that mindset now."

         "You'll push yourself to the limit," Soundwave clarified, the sound of his mature, low voice turning everyone's helms, and head, though his visor still hid his faceplate.

         "You're failing to take into account that I have Raf and Strykeout now," my optic brow furrowed as I looked to Knockout crossly, and he knew I was unhappy with him, "being reckless puts them at risk as well, and I just came back from a coma, I'm not planning on missing anything more than what I did before."

     My point made, I excused myself from the meeting between Autobots, Neutrals and Predacons, going to find energon for Strykeout, considering it had been quite some time since his last feeding. Sure enough, when I found some, he acted like he hadn't refueled in days as he tried to chug through the sippy cup-like bottle.

         "You'll love Cybertron once we rebuild it," I assured him, "There'll be plenty of places to play, Knockout and I will help you choose an alt mode, and if you want, we can teach you how to race."

The mechling giggled at nothing as his optics bounced around the empty nursery of the Nemesis, desolate and lonely, almost ghostly, the happy sound echoing off the walls, and all around I couldn't help but see the horrified bodies of desperate Carriers, rusted and only wanting their sparkling safe, the Decepticon symbol faded on the wall... A massacre.

         "If only your true Carrier could see you now..."

I bet she'd be sighing in relief.

(Made the pic myself via Canva X3)

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