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~Rafael's POV~

     Knockout was next to Ultra Magnus, his spark in shock from the sudden pain of a small death. I was with Soundwave, despite trying to help take care of my Carrier's sparkmate. Soundwave himself was in bad shape, so was Smokescreen, but Ratchet was to busy keeping Knockout from driving off. We already know where (Y/D) is: with Unicron.

         "Why didn't you save her?" I held Ravage close, Strykeout was with Arcee, "You're Soundwave, you could have outsmarted him!"

         "Rafael, everyone has their limits," Soundwave told me, "It would have taken more than us three to take Unicron down. He would have offlined her if we hadn't of left. She told us to. Trust me, we didn't want to leave her."

I set Ravage down before hugging him. I just wanted my carrier back- Knockout said she'd come back. She always comes back, she has to.

     I heard Soundwave wince and I let go, feeling tears fall but I've been holding them back since dragging Knockout to Ratchet- I couldn't hold them back like Arcee or Optimus. I wasn't unfazed like the Decepticons were back on Earth. I'm not as brave or collected as Jack, not as strong as Miko. I wiped the lubricants from my faceplate, but Soundwave caught the tears I couldn't keep up with.

         "She'll be okay," he whispered to me, but it only made me look to the ground.

         "I'm sorry- I just want (Y/D) back."

         "You said that when she was in a coma too," he reminded, "and she came back from that when everyone thought she was gone. We have to believe, Raf-" 

I looked up, and he was crying too, servos on my shoulder plates as we both tried to keep hope.

         "We have to believe."

~Megatron's POV~

     She looked beautiful- unfortunately Unicron agreed, the both of us admiring the deep purple that draped on one side of her. How Unicron knew where this garment was, I still am left in mystery despite being part of him. 

         "Such a beautiful frame," he muttered, "I can't wait to force my dark blood through your systems."

         "Why not do it now and get it over with?" (Y/D) growled. Such a fire within her- only held back because of the threat of death- that didn't stop her before, why now?

         "Because I'd rather you watch your precious team die and want it," Unicron made her look away as he ran a digit down her faceplate, "One made by my brother can hardly take so much death of loved ones- they start to crave an escape. I assure you, becoming one of mine will be a relief."

         "How are you so sure?" she huffed, looking forward, past my frame, "You don't know my past, Megatron didn't so you can't say he revealed all you need to know. You have nothing."

         "Do I?" 

I tried to take control of my body, but the pain of my retaliation resulted in (Y/D) being forced to the wall of the empty cell by her neck cables. I could hear her try to speak, but her voice box was being crushed again.

         "You will have no one but me after I win this battle. My brother will be destroyed, and I will create my own beings that will destroy anyone who doesn't choose to be ruled!"

         "And if they destroy these beings?" I heard her cough out finally, having used my stiff arm to lift herself up, "You can't win all wars, no one has."

Unicron forced her to the floor as his answer, aiming steadily at her spark as she winced.

         "I will win, and you will watch your family die."

     For a moment, I swore I saw defeat in her optics. She glanced at the canon aimed to take her life, only to growl, remembering her strong defiance.

         "We'll see, Unicron."

(I'm sorry, it's short.)

Street Racer Darling[S] ::Knockout x Cybertronian Reader::Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora