The Call of a Carrier

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~(Y/D)'s POV~

     We touched down in the sector that Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen were attacked. To be honest I'm kinda glad he's currently knocked out cold. That means I can take charge of the rest of the neutrals. Well... I really don't want to but the vehicons are basically giving Knockout and I absolutely no choice. I can't really blame them though, they've all been under a leader for so long it's probably hard for them to realize that they can all go their own way.

     I hopped off of Predaking so he could transform. Once he dead, the mech knelt down and felt the deep gashes in the metal of the planet.

         "Predacons," he breathed in disbelief, "There are more of us."

         "Only thanks to Shockwave's labs here on Cybertron," I grumbled, "Smokescreen said there was two of them, and by the looks of these claw marks," I dug the tip of my pede into one of the deep marks, "Smaller than you, but not by much."

We looked around, and I jumped over piles of debris, some old, others obviously from the previous fight. I slipped from a high ledge, being caught by Preda' before I could hit the ground. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

         "You should be more careful," he advised.

         "Not exactly in my nature," I chuckled, and jumped from his arms, and back on the ground.

     We searched around for any more clues for quite some time, but all that could be found was the obvious events of earlier. I found where Ultra Magnus was thrown into the wall, giggling at the dent that was now in the metal ground.

         "Why do you laugh?" Preda' asked.

         "Because he had it coming," I chuckled, "He wouldn't let the vehicons out of the Nemesis' brig, so I'm calling this karma."

         "A little extreme," he noted, and I just shrugged, not really caring. Ultra Magnus was good for now, just healing. He'll be up and running before we know it, and yelling at every little mistake he can find.

     I jumped up some more debri, balancing on a particularly unsteady piece that I wasn't anticipating, and jumped to another one that was more stable. Giggling, I jumped over Preda's helm, making him duck from not expecting it, and landed on a single pede as I balanced on a higher metal beam. I felt like a street rat running smartly away from the cops or something. I can't wait to teach Raf how to street race.

         "You are having far to much fun."

         "What can I say?" I shrugged, both arms out as I balanced, "I live for the moment."

I jumped off, smiling as I posed upon my landing, and Preda' clapped, rolling his optics as we continued on. I was about to suggest flying back when something... didn't quite feel right.

         "Did you hear that?" I questioned. It was a faint cry, almost ghost-like, as if it weren't even there.

         "Hear what?" Preda questioned, and I was surprised that he could't hear it with that exemplary hearing of his.

         "That!" I heard it again, and began to look around, hoping to hear it once more so I could find it. The cry was young, scared, still ghost-like and almost eerie.

         "(Y/D) I do not hear anything... are you sure you are well?"

I scowled, and started to run to where I could only assume the cry was coming from.

     I jumped over fallen debris, Predaking trailing behind, not willing to transform in the slowly dwindling space. This must have been a lower class living district or something. One of the first to be cleaned out of it's inhabitants. Decepticon symbols littered the walls and some rusted corpses left on the ground, some with horrified expressions still etched into their features. I still heard the faint cry, faint but there, but with every step it never became any louder. Then how am I able to know where to go? I transformed and began to drift through the fallen walls and metals beams that made the space tighter as I went, most likely scaring Predaking as he watched me disappear into the still falling buildings unsteady and shaking. Taking one more drift I transformed and slid on the metal ground, finding a dead end, but I felt that I needed to go no further than this...

     I heard the cry once more, ad began digging into the rusted metal debris, pulling away sharper than sharp pieces that cut into my armor. Predaking landed, having transformed to catch up, and landed on the top of a steady building, but I paid no mind to him, far to frantic in the unburying of... something, maybe someone. I was pulling at a malleable beam, thin and painful as it cut into my servos. It broke free suddenly and I fell back, the piece still in my servo. I threw it to the side, and looked to see what it was exactly that I had uncovered...

         "Predaking..." I called, earning a grunt as a response, "I-I'm going to have to climb out of here... l-lend me your tail!"

I took the small pod in my arms, and Preda' lowered his massive tail so I could climb it. Once I was on his back he took off to where we were last, and landed, allowing me to get off while I held the stasis pod. He transformed beside me as I bent down on my knees, and set the pod on the ground.

         "What is it?" He questioned.

         "I think..." Did Primus lead me to this pod? "I think it's a sparkling escape pod..."

     My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden blare of engines, and I jumped up, the pod firmly placed back in my arms and backed into Predaking, looking up to see a ship... Megatron? 

Street Racer Darling[S] ::Knockout x Cybertronian Reader::حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن