22. So In Love

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One month later

"Leave him alone," Narong said irritably while sitting next to Sky, "it is lunch time for heaven's sake!"

"I think I liked it better when you two weren't dating," Ice rolled his eyes while getting his sheets out of Sky's reach.

"It is not like they are dating though, it is more like Sky hired a bodyguard," May joined her boyfriend's teasing and Apple laughed wholeheartedly.

"So funny," Narong snapped at them. He gave Sky his usual sandwich and a bottle of juice, then he turned to the others, "as you are full with humor, you don't need lunch," he said with a smirk.

The others argued immediately, but Narong didn't waver.

"Come on Narong," Sky couldn't ignore their friends' begging, "give them their lunch."

"Only with one condition," Narong looked at his boyfriend playfully, "give me a kiss," he said, pointing at his lips.

"We are at school!" Sky blushed profusely because of his boyfriend's boldness.

"I don't care," Narong shrugged.

"We neither," Apple and May jumped in.

"Please phi, don't let us starve," Ice put the final pressure and Sky gave in. He would never win against them and they knew it.

"Okay!" He gave a very quick kiss to Narong on the lips and hid his face behind his palms, feeling shy.

Narong chuckled at his behavior. They were dating for a month, but Sky was still shy when it came to showing affection in public. Narong didn't mind it though, he knew that Sky loved him as much as he did, and it was all that mattered.

Three months later

"Don't you need to study?" Sky asked rhetorically to the figure who was getting into the bed.

"I am dead tired, I will study tomorrow," Narong exhaled tiredly while circling his arm around Sky's waist, seeking his familiar warmth. It became his habit; whenever he felt tired, he was crashing at Sky's dormitory. Well, apparently he was tired all the time as every week at least for three days, he was there.

Sky was more than happy having his boyfriend in his arms at night, so he even gave Narong the spare key of the room.

"Can you cover everything tomorrow?" Sky asked softly, caressing Narong's soft messy hair. Narong hummed something incoherent and Sky knew he wouldn't make him change his mind. Therefore, he turned off the lights and lulled Narong into sleep, patting his back softly.

A few hours later, Narong stirred in his sleep and noticed he was alone in the bed. There was a soft light in the room and looking in that direction, Narong saw that Sky was sleeping on the chair in front of his desk, his head was resting on the desk and a pen was dangling between his fingers. Narong moved to the edge of the bed, getting closer to the sleeping senior who looked very beautiful under the soft light coming from the desk light.

After watching his cute boyfriend with love-filled eyes for a while, Narong decided to move him onto the bed for a better sleep. When he got the pen from Sky's loose grip, he looked at the paper under Sky's hand and saw it was full with formulas and tips.

You didn't sleep to prepare me notes, Narong said inwardly, his heart was brimming with love. These kinds of small gestures touched Narong significantly, making him grateful for the senior's love.

Putting the paper back to the desk, Narong carried Sky to the bed and hugged him tightly before drifting back to sleep with a content smile.

Six months later

"So, you are the legendary Sky who managed to be cherished both by my sons," Narong's father, Dusit said casually when he came from work and found his wife, Jane, Narong and Sky in their kitchen.

Not knowing how to respond, Sky nodded instinctively while Narong took a step forward, blocking Sky's frail body with his. "Be careful dad, P'Sky is the one who helped me to forgive you," he reminded his father with a threatening tone.

There was a visible tension in the air, so it wasn't surprising that Jane also got tense and she cut her finger accidentally with the knife she was cutting vegetables. "Ouch," she exclaimed with pain, drawing the attention of the others on herself.

"Damn!" Narong was the first to respond. He quickly covered Sky's eyes with his palm and dragged him out of the kitchen after saying "take care of my mom" to his father who was deeply confused by what happened.

Narong made Sky sit on the sofa and removed his hand carefully, "are you okay?" he asked with apparent worry.

"I didn't even understand what happened," Sky smiled at his worried boyfriend, "you should check on your mom."

"Give me a second then," he gently squeezed his boyfriend's hand and went back to the kitchen where his father was attending his mom's cut.

"Is it serious?" he looked over his father's shoulder to see the cut.

"Nothing serious, well not in the injury form," his father reassured him in a puzzling way.

"What do you mean?"

"We believe that you are seriously in love with that senior," his mother said, "and we are ready to support you if it is what you want."

"Yes, it is what I want because I love P'Sky and I will never give up on him."

One year later

"Babe, your mom is an angel, sending all this food," Narong said while putting the food containers to their new fridge.

Behind him, Sky smiled, "she wanted me to say sorry that they can't help us to move as they have to go to Chiang Mai today, so she cooked these as an apology."

"She is so nice, just like you," Narong kissed Sky's nose and continued his job while Sky was arranging the cupboards. Finally, they moved in together into a studio apartment, so they had lots of things to handle.


"Done! Finally!" Narong threw himself onto the sofa. He was exhausted, but he had nothing to complain about as it was his biggest wish to live with Sky.

"You should take a shower if you are done," Sky shouted from the bedroom.

"Nah, I will do it tomorrow, I am dead tired," Narong shouted back.

"Are you sure?" Sky asked, leaning on the door frame with his boxer briefs and one of Narong's t-shirts.

Narong ogled his boyfriend for a good while with a grin. He liked seeing his cherished senior with his clothes, and knowing it, Sky was giving him this kind of treat now and then. "What do you have in mind?" he asked with lustful eyes.

"Well, I had something in my mind, but you said you are tired, so I gue-"

Narong didn't let Sky finish. In a blink of an eye, he took Sky into his arms in a bridal position and carried him into the bathroom. Soon, the voices of their activities filled the house, and "showering" took a lot more time than it was initially planned by Sky.

"You drive me crazy babe, I fall in love with you anew everyday," Narong confessed while they were lying on the bed after the real shower, Sky's head on his chest.

"Good, cause I plan to do it for the rest of our lives."

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