15. Now You Know

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"What did you do to Sky?" May asked with a cold voice when she pulled Narong into a silent corner.

Narong shrugged with a bored expression on his face. He already had a lot on his plate, so he didn't have any energy to deal with P'May. It had been three days after the confrontation and they were completely ignoring each other with Sky whenever they encountered each other.

After cooling down, Narong realized that Sky didn't ask him about his relationship with Lek nor did he look surprised when he was blaming him. Did he already know who Narong was? Then why did he pretend as if he didn't know him? Narong was dying to have some answers, but after the happenings, he couldn't even be in the same room with Sky.

"Why do you hate him?" May had no intention to let Narong go, "I thought you even liked him in that sense."

"In what sense?" Narong lost his indifferent demeanour.

"Romantically!" May folded her arms, "but our focus is not on this, tell me what did you do to Sky to make him so depressed?"

"He is depressed, ha?" Narong asked with wide open eyes, "it is me who is depressed!"

May sighed heavily, "we can't go anywhere like this, Sky doesn't say anything and you are just repeating what I say. I have a feeling there is a huge misunderstanding between you, so please talk to me," she pleaded to him.

"Do you know Lek?" He asked suddenly.

She was taken aback, "the one who..." she started but couldn't finish.

Narong finished it for her, "yes, the one who committed suicide."

"What about him?" She asked softly.

"I am his brother."

"What?!" May was flabbergasted.

"You heard me, I am his brother; therefore, I can't like Sky." There was an apparent sadness in his voice, revealing his hidden love for Sky.

"I can't follow you," May said, confused, "Lek didn't like Sky in that sense, so you don't have to worry about that."

Narong smiled bittersweetly, "the problem is not that."


"He betrayed my brother!" Narong' hands turned into fists, "he loved Sky like a real brother, but Sky didn't even care about him. He even stole his bracelet!"

Hearing his words, May started to see the big picture. "Where did you take Sky yesterday?"

"Why?" Narong couldn't understand why she kept repeating the same thing.

"You didn't force him to go to the back garden, right?" She asked with fear in her heart.

"So what?! I wanted him to apologize to my brother!"


"What do you mean?" Narong felt cold hands were squeezing his guts.

May rubbed her face with irritation, "nobody told you about Lek's... death, right?"

"No, why?" Narong was getting more and more nervous each second.

"Sky was in that garden when Lek jumped."

"What? How come?" Narong feft his soul leaving his body.

"He saw his death, Narong," May continued, "then he collapsed next to him. He was unconscious for a while out of shock."

Narong couldn't even respond. He accused him wrongly all that time, but why did he never clarify the situation? Why did he let Narong hate him unjustly?

"That bracelet," May pointed to Lek's bracelet which was on Narong's wrist, "Sky went to that garden only once after the happenings; to find that bracelet. I know it because I helped him to search."

Narong remembered that day, seeing Sky and May hugging each other. So, it was the reason for his hype; finding Lek's bracelet. He cared about his brother more than anyone. He even went to that cursed place to get the bracelet, ignoring his trauma, meanwhile Narong tried to hate him, torture him, upset him...

"I am such an idiot," he whispered with tears in his eyes.

May noticed Narong was about to collapse, so she gently pulled him to sit on a bench. "You didn't know, so don't blame yourself," she caressed his arm, reassuringly.

"Tell him I am so sorry and I will never bother him again," the words spilled from his mouth painfully.

"You tell him, he deserves that much, right?" May wanted them to have one more chance.

"Okay," Narong gave in easily as he also wanted to see the senior by himself for the final closure... ending. 

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