12. Entangled

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"So, tell me how you know Aunty's name?" Narong forced Sky to talk.

"I... You told me yesterday!" Sky lied while fidgeting on his stand.

"Did I?" Narong arched his eyebrows, challenging the flustered senior.

"Hmm," being quite bad at lying, Sky couldn't find the necessary words under Narong's hawk-like eyes. Luckily the elder was a kind-hearted woman.

"The food gets cold," she tried to save Sky.

As Narong was very fond of the elder, he reluctantly dropped the topic. But not completely. He took a mental note for later before saying "let's eat then."

Sighing in relief, Sky slumped to the chair, then stood up again.

"You need to go now, right?" Narong asked rhetorically with a smirk. Now, he was able to read the senior like an open book and he was enjoying it fully.

"N-no," Sky sat back to the chair with a busted expression, making Narong chuckle.

"I am glad that you don't need to go," the elder patted Sky's shoulder, "it had been a while seeing Narong this cheerful."

The smile was wiped off from Narong's face when Sky looked at him tentatively. Narong thought the senior would tease him with that information, but there was nothing other than understanding and pain in Sky's eyes which made him stupefied. He wanted to ask why, but the words refused to go out.

"Okay, it is time to eat," the elder stepped in again. She guided Narong to the empty chair on the opposite side of Sky, then she served them breakfast. Being aware of the fact that there was an untold matter between the two youngsters, Aunty Aom excused some unfinished work and left them alone.

They ate breakfast in silence, but after cleaning the dishes, Narong took the word. Looking intently at the senior, he said "we should talk."

"About?" Sky fidgeted restlessly on the chair. He already knew that the junior wouldn't let him go without an explanation, but he wasn't sure what to say.

"Why were you in that condition?" Narong didn't beat around the bush, "because of what I said?"

Sky was tired of everything, so he decided not to lie. He simply nodded.

Although Narong guessed it already, he was still taken aback. His reaction must have been shown on his face because Sky hurriedly wanted to assure him.

"It wasn't because of you, I just... didn't know what to do so I wanted to be alone for a while," he tried to clarify the situation.

"It was my fault, I shouldn't have said it like that," Narong said apologetically.

"It is okay really," Sky unwittingly patted Narong's hand.

"It is not," was the unwavering answer, "also I shouldn't have generalized everyone, Ice and Apple for example never thought of using you."

Sky felt heaps better hearing the sincerity in Narong's voice. "And you?" He found himself asking although he knew the answer.

"I never used you," he answered honestly while staring straight into his eyes.

"I know," Sky stared back at him with so much untold emotion in his eyes.

There was a comfortable silence between them until Narong's curiosity showed up again.

"So, will you keep hiding or go back to your old self?"

"I don't know," Sky broke eye contact.

"Do you really enjoy teaching others?" The hint of suspicion was apparent in his tone, no matter how much he tried to conceal.

"I think I do," Sky ignored Narong's tone.

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