6. Mesmerised...

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Sky was telling the truth. During the following week, Narong didn't even see the senior's shadow. Indeed, it was the exam period, so Sky also had his exams that he needed to study. Although Narong would rather die than admit it, his eyes looked for the senior whenever he passed the table Sky used to sit until Apple told him that she saw the senior in the library with P'May.

The information caused a swirl of complex emotions in Narong. He was somehow glad that the senior didn't give up from his usual place because of Narong, but him being with P'May, whoever she was, made him feel a twist in his stomach.

Is it because I feel the need to warn P'May against Sky? Narong asked himself, or maybe it was because he didn't want anyone to be Sky's friend as he didn't deserve any company...

Jealousy? No, it was out of the question.

P'May... I need to check how close they are so that I can warn her, Narong came to that marvelous decision and rushed to the library, leaving appalled Apple behind.

In the library, Narong found Sky and P'May sitting in the loud area, discussing something. Narong squinted his eyes, seeing the close proximity, their arms were almost touching! Then she flipped her hair back and Narong noticed that it was the same girl whom Sky hugged in the back garden! So, they were dating?!

Clenching his fists, Narong left the library.

As the unpleasant incidents have the tendency to show up on the same day, when Narong returned back to the bench he was sitting with Apple, he saw three boys surrounding Apple. She looked quite pale, so Narong rushed to the scene.

"Are they disturbing you?" Narong asked Apple who tried to hide herself behind Narong. He felt her hands on his shirt were shaky.

"We are just having a pleasant conversation," a fake blonde boy said with a smirk, trying to reach his hand towards her, but Narong grabbed his hand and twisted it backwards, making the boy scream with pain.

"Let him go, Narong," Apple grabbed Narong's arm, trying to prevent him from harming the pert boy.

Luckily, Narong also didn't want to cause a scene, so he let the blondie go. However, the blondie wasn't as sensible as Narong. As a result, the moment Narong let him go, he attacked Narong, trusting the superiority of numbers.

Then, Narong also lost it. He avoided the attack easily and started to beat the guy, but the other two guys managed to grab his arms, pulling him off from the guy. The blondie stood up from the ground and raised his fist to punch Narong while Apple was yelling at him to stop.

Narong got ready for the impact but it didn't come. Opening his eyes back, he saw Sky was standing between himself and the blondie. Apparently, Sky was the one who received the punch.

"It is forbidden to have a fight in the campus nongs," Sky calmly stated as if he didn't get a punch a second ago.

"I am so sorry Phi for damaging your beautiful face," the blondie apologized flirtatiously, then tried to touch Sky's cheek which was getting a purplish mark.

Seeing the scene, Narong saved himself from the boys hastily and prevented the blondie's hand by twisting it again. "You will never learn, I guess," he said with a murderous tone.

The blondie kept screaming, so Sky patted Narong's arm to make him let the pert go. Getting the message, Narong let the boy go unwillingly for the second time.

"It will be between us, and it won't happen again," Sky looked at all the boys in turns with an authoritative aura, making all the boys nod except Narong.

"Phi, can I treat you dinner as an apology for the punch?" The blondie didn't give up.

"No need," Sky answered a second before Narong dragged him and Apple away from the weirdo.

When they were quite distant, Narong let them go.

"Thank you, Phi," Apple expressed her gratitude. She couldn't even imagine what would happen if Sky didn't show up.

"Why are you thanking him for hurting himself?" Narong said wryly, "I was handling it quite well until you arrived," he snapped at the senior.

"Really?" Apple challenged Narong, folding her arms.

"I am sorry to interrupt then," Sky said very calmly, stopping their bickering. Then he gave Apple a slight smile and walked away without sparing a glance towards Narong.

Narong was dumbfounded as he didn't expect such a reaction from the senior. He also knew that Sky saved the situation, but seeing him getting hurt because of him made him boil with anger. The more he wanted to hate Sky, the more the senior was confusing him.

"It was so rude," Apple pulled him out of his thoughts.

"I know," Narong mumbled with a heavy heart.


"Boys, it is seven already, let's go home," Apple told his friends and Ice nodded wholeheartedly.

"I will stay a bit longer," was Narong's answer. He was still bitter about the afternoon's incident, and the ointment in his bag kept poking his conscience. After Ice and Apple left, Narong murmured "whatever" and tried to focus on his notes again.

As Narong was an example of exaggeration in every way possible, his focus on the notes lasted for two hours. If his mother didn't call him, he could continue to study until the morning.

Hanging up the phone, Narong gathered his stuff and walked to his car. As it was already nine, the parking area was already empty, except for two cars.

Sky is still here.

For a second, Narong looked at the senior's car and tried to decide what to do. He could just leave, but what if something bad happened to Sky?

He is very prone to getting hurt so maybe I should check on him, I will be a doctor after all, Narong reasoned and rushed towards the library and the senior was really there. He was sleeping soundly, his arm under his head on the table. Silently, Narong moved closer to the sleeping figure. Under the soft yellow light coming from the table light, Sky looked... looked so... beautiful...

Unwittingly, Narong leaned forward and pushed Sky's bangs a bit to see his face better. He looked so peaceful and young as his expressions were softened. There was only one thing which didn't belong to that wonderful scene; the ugly purple bruise on Sky's exposed cheek.

Narong slowly reached to his bag and took out the ointment he bought for the senior. Carefully, he applied some of it on the senior's cheek, under his fingertips, the senior's skin was so smooth and soft that Narong enjoyed the sensation. However, the moment Narong came to his senses, he retracted his hand hastily as if he was in contact with fire.

What the hell am I doing?!

Narong slumped to the chair on the opposite side of the senior. His mind was in chaos, he couldn't believe it, but for a while he was really mesmerized by the sleeping senior.

He is extremely dangerous, I should stay away from him.

Narong stood up and grabbed his bag to go, but he noticed that Sky's phone and wallet were on the table alongside his study materials. So, Narong hastily gathered the senior's stuff and put them into his bag with the ointment. Then, he escaped from the library after notifying the librarian about the sleeping figure.  

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