Chapter 36: Step in Motion.

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As Monokuma's morning announcement blared throughout the school, slowly, the students started to get ready for the day up ahead.

Soon, the participants piled into the Dining Hall and sat down at their seats.

Leon: Hmm... one, two, three-

Junko: Why is it that you gotta count every single time each morning?

Leon: Well, it's just becoming a routine, that's all. Got a problem with that?

Junko: N-Not really, it's just... creepy.

Leon: Psh, whatever you say.

Leon then stands up.

Leon: Seems like Makoto and Sayaka aren't here just yet.

Hina: Well... they're always late, to be fair.

Sakura: I believe that we are also forgetting one more person.

Leon: We are?

Celeste: Kyoko isn't present yet.

Leon then glances at Kyoko's empty seat.

Leon: Ah. So... it seems. 

He then sits down and sighs.

Leon: So, what's in it for the day? More exploration?

Sakura: I suppose that should be the main course of action.

Hina: But... we've searched everywhere that we can, ya know? What else can we do?

Junko: I've been hanging out by the art room, so I can't say I'm bored or anything.

Leon: Ugh... but personally... its just...! GRAH! It's so damn BORING!

He bangs his fist on the table.

Leon: I can't do ANYTHING here! Nothing's fun for me at all!

Celeste: Hmm... is that so?

Leon: YES! It's been VERY, VERY boring!

Celeste: I see... May I intrigue you with some Mahjong then?

Leon: Majong? You want me to play that game with you? I dunno how to, though.

Celeste: Then I shall teach you. You will become my apprentice, so to say.

Leon: A-Apprentice? 

Celeste: Hmhmhm... I'm joking. I don't have the patience to teach a newbie from the ground up. But... we'll need another player or two to join to make it a proper game.

Hina: Ooh! I wanna join in too! I-I know how to play it a little!

Sakura: I'm interested as well.

Junko: I mean... if everyone's gonna join, I might as well play along.

Celeste: Hmm... I suppose that we'll be playing Mahjong for the day. Perfect!

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