Chapter 41: Investigate V3

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Before we start this chapter, I have some news.

I have a deadline that I'll be finished with Arc 3 by December 4.

It's currently November 29, and I'm about... 6 chapters away from finishing.

So, expect a day with 2 chapters. Because...

I'm running on a really tight schedule right now.

ALSO! I'm VERY close to 400 followers, and I've made a deal to myself that I'll try to get 400 by the end of the year, so if you could all click that "Follow" button, that'd be greatly appreciated!

With that said, I hope you all enjoy this longer chapter! I'll see you all later!


The smell of blood made most of the students in the room gag, an unquestionable, unavoidable, and unwavering reality laid before them.

The corpses of Leon and Taka laid on the ground, their eyes motionless and their faces frozen stiff.

And... as if on cue...


"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"

Monokuma then pops up in the room.

Monokuma: And so here we are! Without further ado, let me give you all the next Monokuma File! I was going to hand them out when you found the bodies the first time, but I thought something might happen. It was really hard to resist, but... turns out I was right!

Byakuya: Just hand it over already.

Monokuma: Now, make sure to investigate with all of your mental might and prepare for the class trial! Okay, see ya later!

Monokuma then disappears.

Byakuya: Well then, now that we've found the bodies, all that's left is to uncover the culprit.

Hina: H-Hold on... h-how can you be so... so calm? I mean, they're *dead*, ya know!? 

Junko: They're dead! Gone forever! They're never coming back! 

Tears soon fill Junko and Hina's faces.

Junko: This is just... too awful! I... I hate this! I hate it!

Her eyes were focused on Leon's corpse, her tears slowly rolling off her face and falling on his body.

Junko: He... he was one of the coolest people I knew... and now he's dead...! DEAD!

She then clutches her fist angrily.

Junko: I swear... I swear to god... I will... I-I will...!

Byakuya: You will... what? Kill? 

Junko: I... I... 

Her angry tone soon dies out.

Junko: ...

Byakuya: All talk, and no bite. Your emotions are overwhelming your mind. That's what's going to get you killed.

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