Chapter 48: An Expected Conflict

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Waking up to the morning announcement, I drowsily got up from the bed and yawned. Stretching my arms to the sky, I took a moment to sit upright, the memories from the other night still lingering in my mind.

With new information that Sakura is the second traitor and that Apollo knows about the picture in my pocket, I let out a sigh and headed towards the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Once I was finished showering and my make-up donned on, I grabbed my clothes and headed to the dining hall, worried about what could happen today.

And soon, I arrive at the dining hall.

Makoto: Ah, Sayaka! There you are! Are you alright?

Sayaka: Huh...? I-I'm alright. Why the question?

Toko: You were late, s-so... we were worried a-about you...

Byakuya: What a dullard...

Sayaka: Sorry, sorry... my make-up was just not co-operating today...

Junko: Oh, I get that a lot. That's an understandable excuse.

Sayaka: Y-Yeah...


Sayaka: Wait. W-What are you three doing here?

Realizing that Toko, Junko, and Byakuya were here for some reason, my body grew cautious and stiff.

Hina: They're "taking refuge" here.

Sayaka: Refuge...?

Byakuya: Don't make that stupid face. We have to protect ourselves against the mastermind's tool.

Sayaka: The mastermind's... tool?

"Do they mean... Sakura?"

And, right there and then, I noticed something.

The only one that wasn't present at the current moment... 

was Apollo and Sakura, the 2 traitors.

Sayaka: Wait... w-where *is* Sakura?

Byakuya: All I know is, if she were here, I wouldn't be. The only reason I went out of my way to join the rest of you was as a safeguard against that threat.

Sayaka: Threat...?

"Oh, right..."

"I was told... to kill one of my friends."

That was the promise the mastermind entrusted Sakura.

And... that's why Byakuya, Junko, and Toko were present today.

Hina: Why...? Why do you hate her so much?

Byakuya: Isn't it obvious? Because this makes things unfair.

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