Chapter 52: Locked Room Investigation

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 (Makoto's POV)

I then glance over at Sakura's dead body, slumped forward on this chair. And, there's obvious evidence of the blow to the head that Sakura suffered.

Normally, I wouldn't have any problem believing that that's what killed her.

But according to the Monokuma File, she had also vomited blood. And, I can see a trace of blood on her lips.

So... what would have caused her to vomit blood? The File specifically said she hadn't suffered any other injuries...


Truth Bullet: Status of Sakura's Body.


Makoto: Maybe her getting hit on the head somehow caused her to start vomiting blood?

Byakuya: Not a chance.

Makoto: B-Byakuya...?

Byakuya: However, your eyes have landed on a most interesting location.

Makoto: Interesting...?

Apollo: Yeah, interesting.

Surprised, I glance over to see Apollo behind me, his eyes stared at Sakura's mouth.

Apollo: If you're wondering how I got past Hina, Junko's doing a good job of playing distraction.

I then look back to see Junko was talking with Hina, those two delved deep in some sort of conversation.

Apollo: But, this does make you wonder, does it? You're thinking that Sakura vomiting blood must be related to her death.

Makoto: Y-Yeah.

Apollo: Then let me tell you this: How "exactly" did she cough up blood? What caused that reaction?


"What caused Sakura to vomit... blood?"

Apollo: You're a high-schooler, Makoto. This isn't rocket science.

Makoto: ...

Apollo: Anyway, I'm gonna continue my... "investigation". Cya.

Apollo walks away, his question lingering in my mind.

But, that's one to solve for later. I need to focus and get back to investigating.

I then look behind the chair to see shards of a glass bottle.

The glass was colored red. And... I could faintly distinct the top and bottom sections of a bottle.


Truth Bullet: Glass Shards on The Floor.


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