Chapter 28: Dawn of the 2nd Trial

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"Toko Fukawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy... is Genocide Jack!?"

The thought ceases through my mind, and I found myself in shock.

"There's no way that SHE would be the murderous fiend! I mean, the way she acts is so... NOT serial killer-like!"

"But... it says that the student suffers from an identity disorder, so... I guess it could be anyone..."

"Holy shit..."

Letting out a silent breath, I started compiling all evidence together.

"Right, so..."

"The only suspects I have in mind right now are Byakuya and Toko."

"Byakuya, because of how much knowledge he knows about Genocide Jack. He could've orchestrated this by himself."

"Then Toko, or more specifically, Genocide Jack."

"Hmm... something's not adding up here. I should examine things more further."

With a puzzle starting to piece itself together in my mind, I left the archive.


Leaving the library, I turned towards the girls locker room to find any further evidence. There was bound to be more clues lying around somewhere.

When I entered the entrance to the locker rooms, I saw Junko standing in front of both rooms. She seemed to be deep in thought, so I went to her.

Apollo: Yo, Junko.

She turns towards me and gives me a nod.

Junko: Oh, hello there.

Apollo: How's investigating?

Junko: Hmm... I've found basically what everyone's dug up, basically. Nothin' special, really.

Apollo: I see...

Junko: But... I did find something. Although... I'm not sure just yet.

Apollo: Oh? What would that be?

Junko: I... I'll reveal it later. I'm not so sure about it just yet, anyway. 

Apollo: Hmm... alright, then.

Junko: Oh, I also heard that Celeste had witnessed something the other day. I think she would have some junk to say to you.

Apollo: Oh, really? Thanks! Where is she now?

Junko: Think she's around the warehouse area. That's where I last saw her.

Apollo: Cool! Thanks a lot!

Junko: Hehe, no problem!

Waving to Junko, I then entered the boy's locker room.

Looking around the room's area, trying to find something out of the ordinary...

I found myself looking at the poster on the wall.

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