Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End (Part 1)

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Groaning, you slowly felt your eyes open up. However, your eyelids were heavy. Everything felt heavy. With blurry vision, you could make out that you were leaning on a wall.

Apollo: N-Ngh... W-Where am I...?

As your vision returns to normal, you see yourself in the corner of what seemed to be a classroom.

Apollo: A classroom? When did I get here...?

As you looked around the room, you notice some sort of pamphlet on a table. Wobbly, you made your way over to the pamphlet.

Apollo: An orientation? It looks... cheap. 

Reading the pamphlet, you spoke out what it said.

Apollo: "The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your world."

"My world? What does that mean?"

After reading the pamphlet, you looked around and noticed something odd.

Apollo: Huh? Are these... windows?

Walking over to the windows, with the support of tables, you touched the surface.

Apollo: This is... metal. Why is it metal? 

You then punched the window, which you felt a sting in your hand right after.

Apollo: Ow! Yep, it's metal! 

Shaking your hand off, you looked back at the metal windows.

Apollo: I can't see the outside... Maybe these aren't supposed to be windows? But in a normal classroom, these are supposedly windows. This is so confusing...

You then looked at the top of the class to see some sort of camera.

Apollo: Is this... a security camera? 

Walking up to it, you tried tapping the camera. However, a chill went up to your spine as soon as you tapped it.

Apollo: It feels... cursed. I should probably not tamper with school property. 

You then turned around to see a clock on the top of the wall.

Apollo: Hmm... The clock says it's 8 AM. Was it really an hour since then? Yikes...

You then used all 4 of these clues to piece what might've happened.

Apollo: Okay, so according to what I've seen, I must've passed out in the main hall. Then, someone carried me here. But why? It doesn't explain the metal windows, nor the pamphlet. It's like I'm inside a cell or something.

Thinking, you decided to let it go.

Apollo: I shouldn't think about this. I should prolly head out to the main hall. 

Stretching your legs and arms, you walked out of the classroom. As you head to the hallway, you noticed it has some sort of creepy aura.

Apollo: It's like straight out of a horror game... Is this what Hope's Peak really is? Am I actually in Hope's Peak? 

With these questions in mind, you walked away to the Main Hall. After minutes of arriving to dead ends, you eventually made it to the Hall.

Apollo: I'm here... I'm going to assume other students have arrived earlier than me. Welp, I need to make a good first impression.

Slicking up your hair, straightening your hoodie and trousers, and lacing up your shoes, you took a confident stance and walked in. As you walked inside the Main Hall, your assumption was almost correct, as you see all the students have compiled in the Main Hall.

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