Chapter 53: Chemical Interrogations

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Sorry for the long-overdue chapter, everyone! Had some personal stuff to take care of. But, we're back! Hope ya'll enjoy!


(Makoto's POV)

As Sayaka and I ran to the dormitory, I kept looking around to try and find the rooms whom which Sakura invited.

Junko, Toko, Byakuya, and Apollo.

And, the first one that caught my eye was Toko's.

Ringing the doorbell, we stood in front of her room, awaiting her presence.

And eventually...


"Huh? W-Who's there...?"

The most negative aura I've ever felt crashed us.

Toko: Well? What do y-you want?

Sayaka: Oh, she's back to normal. Genocide Jill's gone.

Toko: D-Don't even say her name... It makes me s-sick to my stomach... I was in such a good mood, t-too...!

"She didn't *look* like she was in a good mood..."

Makoto: Hey, erm... we were hoping to talk to you about something. Is now a bad time?

Toko: Kh...!

Obviously annoyed, Toko slithered out into the hall.

Toko: W-What do you want? You said you wanted to talk to m-me about something...?

Makoto: I wanted to talk about the fact that Sakura had asked to meet with you.

Toko: Wh-!? I-I-I don't know what you're t-talking about! 

Sayaka: Byakuya told us she had asked to meet with him if you want to know.

Toko: What...? She w-wanted to meet with Master, too...?

Sayaka: Oop- and there's the slip of the tounge.

Toko: Ah! I just s-said "too", d-didn't I...? I-I guess now it's t-totally obvious, huh?

Makoto: Y-Yeah, pretty much... So, can you tell us about it?


Toko: I a-admit, I did get the note... B-But I didn't go see her! I was s-scared, so... I couldn't bring myself to g-go!

"Hmm... is that so?"


"Well... until I can prove otherwise, I have no choice but to accept that as fact."

Toko: Is that g-good enough...? Then I'm going back to m-my room...

With that, Toko quickly retreated back into her room.


Truth Bullet: Toko's Account.

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